PS Creativity > Audios > The Soap of Fatal Death


For their latest adventure, the Doctor, Nick and Rob arrive on Earth in the
twentieth century, at the Mundy Film Studios! The Doctor has taken Nick
on a surprise visit to the set of his favourite soap opera "Clear Waters"!

But why has the soap been placed under new management, and who is
behind the rather dramatic and far-fetched new storylines? Could the
TARDIS crew find themselves in danger far more dramatic than even
the imaginative writers of "Clear Waters" could conjour up?

Find out in "Soap of Fatal Death", the brand new audio drama
coming this Spring, made by and starring the posters of Planet Skaro!


6th April 2007
>> Behind The Scenes Video -- watch the gang as they make magic! <<

14th March 2007
>> Publicity Shots -- lovely pics of the cast for you to enjoy! <<
>> Soapy Chit Chat -- three audio interviews featuring the main cast! <<

11th March 2007
>> Soap Cast -- full details and pics of most of the cast now available <<

4th March 2007
>> "Ready To Go" -- the biggest news update yet from Si Hunt <<
>> The TRAILER uploaded for your aural pleasure <<
>> The COVER is finally unveiled <<

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