Poll Results

View Poll Results: How Would You Rate The Moonbase?

  • 10: Clever, clever, clever

    0 0%
  • 9: There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things.

    2 22.22%
    1. Matthew T,
    2. Stephen Morgan
  • 8: Hooray! That's taken care of the Cybermen!

    1 11.11%
    1. Phillip Culley
  • 7: Why don't you make some coffee

    2 22.22%
    1. Larry,
    2. Stuart Wallis
  • 6: Yes I think I was once, Polly, I think I took a degree in Glasgow... 1888, I think... Lister.

    3 33.33%
    1. Anthony Williams,
    2. Rob McCow,
    3. SiHart
  • 5: Now then, everybody, we've got to get this Gravitron in operation again as fast as we can

    1 11.11%
    1. J.R. Southall
  • 4: Oh yes... Gravity

    0 0%
  • 3: Everything's got a weak point. It's just a question of waiting until it shows up, that's all

    0 0%
  • 2: Feelings? Yes we know of this weakness of yours. We do not possess feelings

    0 0%
  • 1: Only stupid Earth brains like yours would have been fooled.

    0 0%