I've heard the criticism of the Space Corps Directive gags before, and I just don't get it! Growing up with these seasons, we loved them and to be fair there are never more than one or two per show (not excessive surely?). And they are surely very funny indeed! Though obviously that's a matter of opinion.

I think it would be fairer to say there was an over-reliance on cheap 'comparison' gigs, where Lister or someone would say 'we're deader than flares', 'we're faster than two priests in a skoda' etc. Some of them were good, others less so.

I agree that Series 7 is the poorest. They totally lost the momentum, the extended episode count leads to several very resource-strapped episodes, and whatever possessed them to make it look 'glossy' I'll never know. Surely the whole POINT of "Red Dwarf" is that it looks cheap?!
