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  1. #1
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    Default Major Spoiler Alert!

    Resurrecting P-Bal's mighty "Major Spoiler Alert!" thread from the old PS forum. Well, it's a great name for thread and it keeps all the really spoilery stuff in one place.

    Might as well start with a recap of the most recent juicy stuff...

    First off, we had the Massive Toy Spoilers on the Forbidden Planet website from a fortnight ago...

    Scroll down to Upcoming Products (no images yet):


    Fits with the 1930s BIG SPOILERY STUFF removed from OG.. as well as the Judoon stuff from months ago.
    Last edited by Milky Tears; 27th Nov 2006 at 1:36 AM.

  2. #2
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    Then we had what appear to be location pics from episodes 4/5 (?):


    Could be from the 1930s New York/BIG SPOILER PICS THAT WERE REMOVED EARLIER THIS MONTH!! episodes (4/5)... especially with the Hooverville connection.

    I think they were still filming stuff at Headlands Penarth last week. There were reports of extras in 1930s costume.

    Before all that, we had the Judoon pics:

    With Helmet (Excellent Bottom!)

    Group Shot

    Sans Helmet

    I'm off to find some more spoilers...
    Last edited by Milky Tears; 27th Nov 2006 at 1:48 AM.

  3. #3
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    Recent big spoilers include the four-minute Runaway Bride preview clip on YouTube (well, it was up there on Saturday night)...

    this from Gary Russell's Inside Story book.

    Posted by charjamol on Outpost Gallifrey (Saturday):

    Garry Russells new Official book"Doctor Who The Inside Story" has one or two bits of inside info on the Christmas Special aswell as Series 3.

    First up is a concept drawing of The Empress of the Racnoss It states that its an early design so how much the finished design will differ I don't know.

    Next we have a concept picture of the destroyed Sonic Screwdriver from Series 3, Episode 1. With a caption claiming it to be "One victim of the Judoons plans".

    The book also confirms that the Doctor will revisit New New York and will be reunited with The Face of Boe.

    Other snipets include a picture of a Translator Device used by the leader of the Judoon.
    There is a concept drawing of a Witch like creature and its cauldron from the Shakespeare episode.

    Finally we get a concept design for Lilith's Sword?? (Anyone?)

    Anyway sorry to be so fague on some of the details but I've only just bought the book and had a quick flick through it.
    The book looks really good by the way.

    and this from OG member Caffeinejunkie who met Paul Cornell on Saturday:

    I met Paul Cornell (writer of Father's Day and Eps 8&9 of Season 3) yesterday at the Dublin ComicCon. I was basically there to support my friend Nick Roche who draws for Transformers... Buy his stuff. He's really good!

    There was a Q&A session in the afternoon. I don't remember the question, but Paul Cornell's answer was "The Sea Devils are looking fantastic!"

    I got the last copy of Wisdom and he signed it for me. I ended up chatting to him while the queue for artists to sketch got a bit congested. First of all, I asked him if he wouldn't mind me reporting to OG about the Sea Devils and he was initially surprised that there was someone other than comics fans there and there was a bit of a "cat out of the bag" feeling.

    He also told me that the read through for his Season 3 eps took place on Friday and he said that it's the best stuff he's ever written and he loves David Tennant! We gabbed for a while about how it's great to see scifi on mainstream television. I commented that if the scripts and acting are good, people will watch something different and he agreed. And no matter how much I tried he wouldn't tell me anything more about the Who Scripts. Despite him not spilling the beans, he is a lovely, lovely man and I could have talked to him for hours!

    Photographic proof...

    Well, there were rumours of Zygons/Sea Devils appearing in Series Three kicking about a few months ago. I thought Cornell was meant to be doing Human Nature, though?
    Last edited by Milky Tears; 27th Nov 2006 at 1:53 AM.

  4. #4
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    Some location pics featuring David, Freema and Carey Mulligan(from The Amazing Mrs. Pritchard, Bleak House, Pride & Prejudice) have appeared:


    Jessica Stevenson also appears to be playing a character called Joan in two episodes of Series Three.


    Would this be the two Paul Cornell episodes they've just started recording?

    Will she be playing Joan Redfern in 'Human Nature'?

    Also rumours of boys' school and record shop (converted to an antique shop) location filming this week.

    This was posted on OG by morgs on Monday:

    Wahay! Do I get to break some news at last??

    They started filming at this morning. Don't know much as I am miles away (worse luck) but my mum reports that one building (choir rooms etc) by the Cathedral has been converted into a boys' school dorm... She thinks the name of the school is Farringdon Boys' School.

    That's all I have... Apparently there was a buzz going through Llandaff village when she was walking the dog! If she lived a little closer she'd have got a camera! Hope it may ring a bell with someone?
    Last edited by Milky Tears; 30th Nov 2006 at 5:33 PM. Reason: Paul Cornell's blog link

  5. #5
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    seeing some of those location pics it looks like Tennent is still waring last years costume..

  6. #6
    Pip Madeley Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Larry View Post
    seeing some of those location pics it looks like Tennent is still waring last years costume..
    Well, he is - it's been said that the new blue version isn't permanent, he'll be swapping between the two colours...

    That version in particular is his 'Fear Her' gear.

  7. #7


    Does anyone know if there are still any of the big 1930's spoiler picks about, i was hoping to see the new look ******

  8. #8
    Dave Lewis Guest


    I'm not sure - yet - that the splendid Ms Stephenson is playing Joan Redfern, simply because of a comment on Digital Spy

    An insider told The Sun: "The role will play to her comedy strengths."
    Joan's hardly a laugh-a-minute character in the original, is she? Gets her heart broken and loses her cat, all down to a *******ly Time Lord who just fancied finding out what love was all about. But, on the other hand, she's of a more appropriate age, viz. David Tennant's Doctor, than an aged actress playing the old dear in the book would have been. And having one character called Joan in a series of Who is bad enough... surely two would be pushing it?

    I'll get us all a TV to put our collective feet through. Cornell has raped the 1990s and must die.

  9. #9
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    BIG FAT SPOILERY description of the Series Three Preview Trailer below:

  10. #10
    Dave Lewis Guest


    Tongues certainly will wag. Feet may also go through televisions and childhoods may yet be violated. I can't wait to see the response to the Doctor in bed with a pretty girl... it'll be like The King's Demons but with an immense erection. I think I hear the collective "squee" of a generation of saddos jumping off cliffs in a massive suicide protest against RTD's new straight agenda.

  11. #11
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    Loads of pics have now been added to the Series Three Launch Trailer description:

    Freema's looking good.

  12. #12
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    Latest location pics (from OG members Sparky, Scooty and Caleb) show some big camp guy hanging about with Tennant and Freema. Some more "Vote Saxon!" business as well:

    Has Cardiff only got two main shopping streets? The Superdrug was in Torchwood.

    Caleb W has also posted some pics on his blog:


    He also posted this Jack Spoiler!

    They're still filming! I spotted the big signs saying "Vote Saxon" and "Saxon is your man", and headed over, and saw the Doctor, Captain Jack and Martha all there. They seemed to be discussing how Captain Jack got back from the 201st Century:

    "If you've going to be stuck at the end of the universe, be stuck with a Time Agent with a Vortex Manipulator"

    or words to that effect!

    Late afternoon spoilery location filming updates:

    Originally Posted by MRiddle

    From what I have gathered, from other people, in town they were filming a scene where everyone's looking at a screen and someone on it says something like, "We need The Doctor".

    They were also filming in the bay this afternoon. Except The Doctor was in his blue suit and red chucks and Martha was in the same jacket & trousers as in the promotional pictures. And her hair was down. It looked like this might be the last scene, with them dropping Jack back off in Cardiff, at Torchwood. They were stood talking, somewhat broody, The Doctor used his sonic screw-driver to fix Jack's wrist communicator, The Doctor asked Jack to come with them but he declined. Jack saluted them, went to walk off, turned around, said something which made them both look shocked and then walked off and soon after they (The Doctor & Martha) started laughing.

    Sorry, I don't have pictures because my camera is crap but there were LOADS of people taking shots down the bay, including my friends, so I'm sure some will emerge.

    Originally posted by Thraxdude

    I can confirm that John Simm is playing the prime minister Mr. Saxon.

    Saw the filming down in the bay and noticed they were also filming in the millenium centre.

    They were filming by a flight of stairs and the whole area was covered with posters saying "Vote Saxon", "Saxon Is The Man" & "Saxon Victory".

    They were filming a scene where the new prime minister Mr. Saxon addresses the press. He came down a flight of stairs with a crowd of photographers, camera crews and interviewers had gathered, kissed his wife and announced to them - "This country has been sick. This country needs healing. This country needs medicine. I can safely say that this what this country needs right a doctor".

    Was he "aged up"? Is he the youngest Prime Minister since Pitt? Is his constituency Cardiff Central? It's not very realistic!
    Last edited by Milky Tears; 21st Feb 2007 at 8:24 PM. Reason: update

  13. #13
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    I thought I'd posted these links yesterday:

    Incase one doesn't work.

    Freema's hair is looking good.

  14. #14
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    Very interesting. It looks like the Doctor returning Jack to Cardiff & saying good bye as he returns to Torchwood.

  15. #15
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    They seem to be getting really excited about what could be a Major Captain Jack/'Utopia' Spoiler over on OG:

    Is it true, or is it bull?*

    I'll check it out when I sober up.

    * probably

  16. #16
    Pip Madeley Guest


    All sounds very possible to me.

    Has anyone noticed that an anagram of Mister Saxon is Master No. Six?

  17. #17
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    Spotted it weeks ago, Pip...

    but that's what happens when you read every single Spoiler ever of all-time eternity ever a lot.
    Last edited by Milky Tears; 24th Mar 2007 at 5:45 PM. Reason: '

  18. #18
    Pip Madeley Guest


    The Doctor gets married?

    However, he wont be walking down the aisle with Martha but rather a character played by Shaun Of The Dead star Jessica Stevenson in a flashback scene.

    Tennant cryptically admits to The Daily Mail, Yes. He gets married. Well, he doesn't not. Actually, it's quite difficult to answer that question truthfully."

  19. #19
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    That'll be the 'Human Nature' stuff.

    It's great how we keep HIDING SPOILERS in a "Major Spoiler Alert!" thread, isn't it? Even I started doing it last month!

    There's a gag in there...

  20. #20
    Pip Madeley Guest


    There's something rather fun about hiding spoilers.

    Plus it makes it look rude...

    James Lindsay, you're an absolute star and I don't care what anyone else says.

  21. #21
    Pip Madeley Guest


    Newsround website has new pics from Smith & Jones...


  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milky Tears View Post
    They seem to be getting really excited about what could be a Major Captain Jack/'Utopia' Spoiler over on OG:

    Is it true, or is it bull?*

    I'll check it out when I sober up.

    * probably
    The Radio Times/'Utopia' info seems to support some of the mad stuff in the link above:

    "Captain Jack Harkness comes storming back on board the TARDIS like no companion has ever before".

    "The TARDIS's wildest ride yet! It hurtles out of control, taking the crew to the distant planet Malcassairo, where a lonely and patient professor is giving his all to save his people from extinction."

  23. #23
    Dave Lewis Guest


    I feel ridiculously inferior for not spotting the Saxon/Number Six obvious-ness, even though I knew all and everything regarding him. The shame! I bow down in the face of milky-ness.

    Last edited by Dave Lewis; 27th Mar 2007 at 2:48 AM. Reason: No mistakes in the post whatsoever... I just wanted to make a crap "The Family Ness" joke about overusing the word "ness".

  24. #24
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    Anne Reid's gurniness has totally destroyed the campness of the series for:

    Last edited by Milky Tears; 27th Mar 2007 at 3:12 AM. Reason: he's splashing about in Milky Tears

  25. #25
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    Looks like that Sci-Fi Pulse 'Utopia' script extract (see Post 15) could be spot on:


    Jack's rucksack and cheesy slo-mo "leap of faith" as the TARDIS dematerialises seem to be in the trailer shown last night!

    We also saw Freema at the quarry doing some location filiming on Friday's Totally Doctor Who.

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