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  1. #1
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    Default Doctor Who Signings

    Does anyone ever go to signings anymore? I've just been looking at Si Hart's photos on Facebook and it made me feel quite sad that I'd never been to any with you guys. Which is a shame.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Bracknell, Berks


    We did have some laughs at them, but it's easy to forget that at most signings back in the day we were herded like misbehaving sheep through the shops, had to buy lots of things to get in and get things signed and then often had no time to stop and talk to the star when were there. Fortunately going with lots of good friends was always fun and we had a good time for that reason, and got some great photos too, but I don't think it's worth it most of the time anymore.

    That said, last years Lis Sladen signing in Borders was really good.

    Si xx

    I've just got my handcuffs and my truncheon and that's enough.

  3. #3
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    Si's right, we've had some appalling times at signings. I remember when Si was refused entry into the "Spare Parts" signing because he hadn't spent enough just buying "Spare Parts" on CD, they insisted on him paying £15 for a cheap-looking photo as well. We queued for about SEVEN HOURS at the "Talons" signing; that's just ludicrous - you'd get into Wembley to see a major artist quicker. And not once in that time did anyone from the shop bring us a cup of tea or anything. When we want to the Stamp Centre you found out once you'd joined the queue that you had to spend an incredible £30 on a first day cover to get an autograph - I then got ignored by Anneke Wills because my few moments coincided with her having a chat to Nick Courtney. All of these occasions resulted in around 15 seconds with the celebritys in question.

    I've had some good signing moments, but the trick is to go to a quiet one. The Sladen signing was lovely because it was in a Borders and for the SJA, so there was a smattering of kids and we got a good few moments to chat to Lis. When we saw Jill Curzon in "Tenth Planet", hardly anyone turned up so we had a great long chat with the lovely Jill, and she accidentally signed everything we were holding.

    These are the good signings, but in truth the shops make most signings awful experiences. They could be so good too - if only they made the waiting a bit more tolerable (via revolutionary ideas like A FEW CHAIRS!) or perhaps had a system whereby you could register your time at the start of the day (or on-line) and turn up within the hour or something. As it is, you feel nothing but contempt from the store owners, as if you are a lower form of life, and have to endure a very long day of sore feet and boredom for those precious few seconds in the company of Gerek Hagon from "The Mutants".


  4. #4
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    I've only been to one 'just a signing' which was one organised (I think) by Dreamwatch - all to do with Shakedown's release I seem to recall (Terrance Dicks and David MCIntee signing books).

    All the other things have been events which have including signings, like the DWM ones. Sometimes I haven't bothered to get anything signed, just enjoyed the day.

    My favourite I think was Tom's tour to sign his autobiog - yes, all the stories were in the book, but just to be in the same bookshop as the great man himself
    Bazinga !

  5. #5
    Captain Tancredi Guest


    Honestly can't remember the last Who-related one I went to- if you exclude the signing element of the Terrance Dicks event at the National Media Museum last year, I'm not sure you aren't going back to Tom Baker's autobiography again. I went through a phase of autographs and signed photos about five years ago, which came to a halt when I paid £15 or so to have Michelle Trachtenberg sign a photo in black pen on a dark part of the picture, and there was something deeply unsettling about queuing up to get something signed by a girl of 18 or so.

  6. #6
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    I think Mr Hunt is a tad unfair on the Stamp Centre. £30 might sound a lot, but I suspect it was for five assistants or so? All these people need paying, as nice as it would be if they turned up for free!

    That wasn't meant to sound patronising!

    There are different elements to what type of event and what you'll get out of it. A Memorabilia/Showmasters style event is based on you paying £10-£20 for an autograph and nothing more. Which means you can pay £20 for John Barrowman to sign something, but he will be incredibly busy and have little time to stop and chat in depth. At the same time a companion like Katy Manning will cost £10 and have a steadier steam of people over the day meaning you can have a chat and more time than you would if they weren't going to be there for the whole day.

    The only Tenth Planet store signing I've been to is the Maureen O'Brien one for The Time Meddler a couple of months back. It was about an hour of queuing and there was opportunity to have a little chat and a photo with her, which seems fair enough.

    Conventions on the other hand give a greater access to guests, depending again on the guest, size of the event and a few other factors. Last week's Torchwood event was a large scale affair, but Kai Owen was still in the bar and up for a chat if you wanted.

    These things are generally run to make profit, but in truth once venues have been hired, actors expenses and travel paid etc, it's not a multi-million pound enterprise.

    On a related note, if anyone wants to come to the Fury From The Deep convention I'm helping to organise in June, then get booking a ticket!!!

  7. #7
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    Those are fair points. It was actually for three assistants, so I guess if you look at it as £10 each that's not bad.

    I think my problem with that arrangement was that you didn't get a choice - I would gladly have paid £10 for any one of those actresses' scribble on a reasonable bit of merchandise, but it struck (and still strikes me) as greedy to make you shell out the whole £30 or nothing at all. From my point of view I turned up to get AN autograph and wasn't expecting to spend that much.

    To be fair, this tends to be the shops that do this (see also Tenth Planet and their bizarre refusal to allow you to buy just a CD to be signed) - for example I've no problem with the Earls Court shows when you can choose which celebrity to get an autograph from. I think this is more reasonable - £15 is quite a bit of money for a signature but a lot of people will be happy to buy one, while feeling cleaned out with three. When you get somewhere you have travelled specifically for and the minimal spend is thirty quid, you feel almost obliged to spend it rather than go home empty handed.


  8. #8
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    I agree a £30 shell out seems a lot, I know they've done £50 covers with five assistants too. I think Tenth Planet must have altered their policy - with Time Meddler you just had to buy one article of merchandising and with each thing you bought you could have an extra item signed, which isn't too bad.

    Conventions tend to offer the best value on signatures, but in truth I'm happier photowhoring than getting the scribble!

  9. #9
    Pip Madeley Guest


    I don't really care about autographs, it's all about the meeting and possibly a photo for me. I'm put off by many of these signings because of the cost. Most of the time I'm just not interested - Tenth Planet signings have been quite unremarkable of late. I would've gone to meet Padders last week but when you weigh in the cost of travel, accomodation & the signing itself, it's not really practical.

    Saying all that, I'd like to do a proper convention sometime, staying over and doing the full weekend. I've never been to one but I would if it was with a few PSers, I'm sure it'd be a laugh. It'd be a bigger outlay but hopefully there would be a fair few cool people to meet, both 'stars' and fans. Plus a chance to chat up India Fisher at the bar.

  10. #10
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    Oct 2006


    I'd like to do that one day too - the whole shebang, staying over, drinking with celebs at the bar, etc. Just the once. It would have to be a good one though.


  11. #11
    WhiteCrow Guest


    The best signing I ever went to was a Terry Pratchett one in Andromeda bookshop in Birmingham - there was only about 6 of us turned up, so we got to have a good old chat.

    I love the queuing with friends, but I'm not an autograph collector. I'd much rather go someone where a guest is speaking, but that doesn't get people buying merchandise does it?

  12. #12
    Wayne Guest


    Like Pip, i'm not interested in autographs, but i do quite enjoy the facespotting at memorabillia. There's still something vaguely fascinating about seeing people you only know from having grown up with them on your television screen in 'real life', even though they're much older now.
    I'd like to go to another memorabillia fair at Birmingham, but they always seem to have them at the end of the month which is not a convenient time for me. Infact the celeb prescence is the icing on the cake really, as i've usually gone to the event in the past with a view to buying something of intrerest to me that i haven't got.
    Like last time i went, i bought a book on Hammer Films, & a book on The Sweeney. The guy who was at the stall where i bought The Sweeney book from said: "Would You like me to autograph it for you?" I said: "Well you can if you want mate, but Who are you?" (thinking he'd maybe been in an episode or something) He replied: "I'm the author of book". I tried not to look too unimpressed as i let him sign it.
    Last edited by Wayne; 29th Apr 2008 at 11:42 PM.

  13. #13
    Pip Madeley Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Si Hunt View Post
    I'd like to do that one day too - the whole shebang, staying over, drinking with celebs at the bar, etc. Just the once. It would have to be a good one though.

    Well if there's ever a good one, we must go!

  14. #14
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    There are loads of good ones all the time!!!

    There's the Cavern based one this coming Sunday, The Oncoming Storm in Gloucester in June, Bad Wolf in Birmingham in July, my friend's planning one in August (I'll post details of that soon) and then there's my little Fury one in June!

    They're happening all the time folks!

  15. #15
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    I went to The Three Doctors thing about a fortnight ago in Gloucester. Although no Doctors were present it was a good, well organised day in which we were allowed to sit in on interviews with the guests as they were filmed by Keith Barnfather or whatever his name is. The guests included Prentis Hancock, Angus Lennie, Fiona Walker and John Cater. It was a good day.
    I'm going to The Oncoming Storm in June at the same venue in Gloucester, the guests include Katy Manning and Nicholas Courtney, and should be another good day.

  16. #16
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    Lets all get together and plan going to a convention then. I've been to one before but it was Babylon 5 one. It was good fun from what I remember. The only downside for me would be cost and child care. I'd have to save up for a while because they usually end up costing the price of a holiday.

  17. #17
    Pip Madeley Guest


    Well we'd have to choose one in advance anyway to arrange hotels and tickets. Maybe November? Some convention organisers offer a part-payment plan, which is useful.

  18. #18
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    November has Dimensions in Newcastle and Memorabilia in Birmingham.

    Cult TV, should it make a return, would be a great choice because they are a holiday (Friday - Monday) style event with a very informal atmosphere.

  19. #19
    Wayne Guest


    November would clash with the London meet up though?

  20. #20
    Pip Madeley Guest


    We've had a November meet up in December before... anyway, it's all tentative.

  21. #21
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    The November meet this year is supposed to be 22nd I thought?

  22. #22
    Pip Madeley Guest


    Bloody hell, it's only May

  23. #23
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    The November meet will be doubly significant - not only the 45th anniversary of Who, but the 5th anniversary of the first big November meet - 5 years since I met the likes of Dave Tudor and Tim and many more! The 22nd it has to be!

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pip Madeley View Post
    We've had a November meet up in December before...

    I'm confused...

  25. #25
    Pip Madeley Guest


    Were you there that night?