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  1. #76
    Wayne Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Masters View Post
    You probably need to see the original picture to spot all of them - there are lots on our scanned one that just isn't clear enough.
    Bigger? Did you say.......BIGGER? Activate the Magnetron!
    Last edited by Wayne; 17th Jul 2008 at 10:25 PM.

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    West Sussex


    Quote Originally Posted by Dirk Gently View Post
    I think someone got confused with the mask under the guitar.
    I agree - that's one of the masks from Kinda, isn't it ?

    And thanks for the bigger picture Mr Jefferies - my eyesight was struggling

    An Unearthly Child - Second Skull
    The Daleks - Thal Cape
    The Edge of Destruction - Scissors (on the table)
    Marco Polo - chess board
    The Keys of Marinus - I think that's one of the keys on the shelf near the Sontaran control device isn't it (it's a long time since I've seen Keys, sorry)
    The Aztecs - Cocoa under table at front (orange tin) - I think the Aztec shield abehind the guitar is Sunmakers
    The Sensorites
    The Reign of Terror - French Flag
    Planet of Giants
    Dalek Invasion of Earth
    The Rescue - one of those Didonian drawings (in front of the Mona Lisa)
    The Romans - Lyre in front of K9
    The Web Planet
    The Crusade
    The Space Museum
    The Chase
    The Time Meddler - Viking Helmet
    Galaxy 4 - bottle of ammonia on top shelf
    Mission to the Unknown
    The Myth Makers
    The Daleks' Master Plan - Varga Plant
    The Massacre
    The Ark
    The Celestial Toymaker
    The Gunfighters - gunbelt below Peri's bikini top
    The Savages
    The War Machines
    The Smugglers - Hook hand under table next to cocoa
    The Tenth Planet
    The Power of the Daleks
    The Highlanders - bagpipes/Claymore
    The Underwater Menace - the octopus on the table ?
    The Moonbase
    The Macra Terror
    The Faceless Ones - Chamelon Tours Rocket
    The Evil of the Daleks
    The Tomb of the Cybermen - Cybermat
    The Abominable Snowmen - Yeti Control Sphere
    The Ice Warriors
    The Enemy of the World
    The Web of Fear
    Fury from the Deep - Helicoper
    The Wheel in Space
    The Dominators- quark head behind Mona Lisa
    The Mind Robber - tin soldier
    The Invasion - manhole cover
    The Krotons- beaker labelled Tellurium on top shelf
    The Seeds of Death
    The Space Pirates
    The War Games
    Spearhead from Space - Title sequence
    Doctor Who and the Silurians - miners helmet & lamp
    The Ambassadors of Death - front of one of the spacesuits (hanging out of the filing cabinet)
    Inferno - eye patch
    Terror of the Autons - daffodil
    The Mind of Evil
    The Claws of Axos
    Colony in Space - fake monster robot claw next to Laserson probe
    The Daemons
    The Day of the Daleks - wine and cheese on the table
    The Curse of Peladon - ? book of Venusian Lullaby next to Red Kang bag
    The Sea Devils - Sea Devil gun
    The Mutants
    The Time Monster - Kronos crystal on back bookshelves
    The Three Doctors- E=MC2
    Carnival of Monsters
    Frontier in Space
    Planet of the Daleks
    The Green Death - giant maggot
    The Time Warrior - Sontaran Control thingy (on shelf)
    Invasion of the Dinosaurs - dinosaur
    Death to the Daleks
    The Monster of Peladon
    Planet of the Spiders -Metebelis crystal
    Robot - Rust virus affecting K9
    The Ark in Space - burned shoe
    The Sontaran Experiment - Sontaran Helmet
    Genesis of the Daleks - Time Ring
    Revenge of the Cybermen - Cyberman chest unit
    Terror of the Zygons
    Planet of Evil - Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde
    Pyramids of Mars - Fez
    The Android Invasion
    The Brain of Morbius - Morbius' brain
    The Seeds of Doom
    The Masque of Mandragora - SJS bodkin to left of Sharez Jek mask
    The Hand of Fear - Eldrad's Hand
    The Deadly Assassin - the Master's Grandfather Clock TARDIS
    The Face of Evil
    The Robots of Death - Robot Probe
    The Talons of Weng-Chiang - Magnifying Glass/Palace Theatre poster on floor
    Horror of Fang Rock - Lighthouse picture
    The Invisible Enemy - K-9
    Image of the Fendahl - Fendahl Core Skull
    The Sun Makers - Aztec type shield behind guitar
    Underworld - Persephone nameplate
    The Invasion of Time- Brick TARDIS walls (behind roundels)
    The Ribos Operation - Jethryk? on the shelf near the fez
    The Pirate Planet - Parrot
    The Stones of Blood - The stone bleeding (on the right of the picture, next to the Fez)
    The Androids of Tara - fishing rod/Prisoner of Zenda book
    The Power of Kroll
    The Armageddon Factor
    Destiny of the Daleks - Dalek bomb
    City of Death - Mona Lisa
    The Creature from the Pit - Comunicator disc
    Nightmare of Eden - ? butterfly on VCR
    The Horns of Nimon - Soldeed's staff- the crystal is just below the French flag
    The Leisure Hive - Foamasi
    Meglos- Cactus
    Full Circle- Badge for Mathematical Excellence (on floor)
    State of Decay - Dracula book
    Warriors Gate
    The Keeper of Traken - Grandfather clock TARDIS
    Logopolis - Cassette tape near Sharez Jek mask
    Castrovalva - 4th Doctor's shoes
    Four to Doomsday
    Kinda - Mask under guitar
    The Visitation
    Black Orchid - Black Orchid book and cricket bat
    Earthshock - TARDIS toolbox
    Time-Flight - Concorde
    Arc of Infinity
    Snakedance - snake
    Mawdryn Undead - I love NY t-shirt
    Terminus- Turlough's Cystal
    The King's Demons
    The Five Doctors - The Master's recall device
    Warriors of the Deep - gas cannister
    The Awakening - mini-Malus
    Resurrection of the Daleks - exploded Dalek
    Planet of Fire -Peri's bikini top
    The Caves of Androzani - Sharaz Jek's mask
    The Twin Dilemma
    Attack of the Cybermen - Cyber-head
    Vengeance on Varos
    The Mark of the Rani
    The Two Doctors
    Timelash - The Time Machine (black book at far left of nearest bookshelf)
    Revelation of the Daleks
    Trial of a Time Lord
    - The Mysterious Planet HMSO Book on Canado Goose (orange book next to Dracula)
    - Mindwarp
    - The Terror of the Vervoids - the Autumn leaves on the floor
    - The Ultimate Foe - The quill on the shelf near the chameleon thing
    Time and the Rani
    Paradise Towers - Red Kangs are best (wallscrawl on the bag at the front)
    Delta and the Bannermen - guitar
    Dragonfire - 7th Doctor's umbrella
    Remembrance of the Daleks
    The Happiness Patrol- Waiting Zone yellow and black tape
    Silver Nemesis
    Bazinga !

  3. #78
    Wayne Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Masters View Post

    And thanks for the bigger picture Mr Jefferies - my eyesight was struggling

    Prolly helps that you can open it in seperate window now as well.

  4. #79


    An Unearthly Child - Second Skull
    The Daleks - Thal Cape
    The Edge of Destruction - Scissors (on the table)
    Marco Polo - chess board
    The Keys of Marinus - I think that's one of the keys on the shelf near the Sontaran control device isn't it (it's a long time since I've seen Keys, sorry)
    The Aztecs - Cocoa under table at front (orange tin) - I think the Aztec shield abehind the guitar is Sunmakers
    The Sensorites
    The Reign of Terror - French Flag
    Planet of Giants
    Dalek Invasion of Earth
    The Rescue - one of those Didonian drawings (in front of the Mona Lisa)
    The Romans - Lyre in front of K9
    The Web Planet
    The Crusade
    The Space Museum - Xerosian Space Rocket Exhibit on shelf
    The Chase
    The Time Meddler - Viking Helmet
    Galaxy 4 - bottle of ammonia on top shelf
    Mission to the Unknown
    The Myth Makers
    The Daleks' Master Plan - Varga Plant
    The Massacre
    The Ark
    The Celestial Toymaker
    The Gunfighters - gunbelt below Peri's bikini top
    The Savages
    The War Machines
    The Smugglers - Hook hand under table next to cocoa
    The Tenth Planet
    The Power of the Daleks
    The Highlanders - bagpipes/Claymore
    The Underwater Menace - the octopus on the table ?
    The Moonbase
    The Macra Terror
    The Faceless Ones - Chamelon Tours Rocket
    The Evil of the Daleks
    The Tomb of the Cybermen - Cybermat
    The Abominable Snowmen - Yeti Control Sphere
    The Ice Warriors
    The Enemy of the World
    The Web of Fear
    Fury from the Deep - Helicoper
    The Wheel in Space
    The Dominators- quark head behind Mona Lisa
    The Mind Robber - tin soldier
    The Invasion - manhole cover
    The Krotons- beaker labelled Tellurium on top shelf
    The Seeds of Death
    The Space Pirates
    The War Games
    Spearhead from Space - Title sequence
    Doctor Who and the Silurians - miners helmet & lamp
    The Ambassadors of Death - front of one of the spacesuits (hanging out of the filing cabinet)
    Inferno - eye patch
    Terror of the Autons - daffodil
    The Mind of Evil
    The Claws of Axos
    Colony in Space - fake monster robot claw next to Laserson probe
    The Daemons
    The Day of the Daleks - wine and cheese on the table
    The Curse of Peladon - ? book of Venusian Lullaby next to Red Kang bag
    The Sea Devils - Sea Devil gun
    The Mutants
    The Time Monster - Kronos crystal on back bookshelves
    The Three Doctors- E=MC2
    Carnival of Monsters
    Frontier in Space
    Planet of the Daleks
    The Green Death - giant maggot
    The Time Warrior - Sontaran Control thingy (on shelf)
    Invasion of the Dinosaurs - dinosaur
    Death to the Daleks
    The Monster of Peladon
    Planet of the Spiders -Metebelis crystal
    Robot - Rust virus affecting K9
    The Ark in Space - burned shoe
    The Sontaran Experiment - Sontaran Helmet
    Genesis of the Daleks - Time Ring
    Revenge of the Cybermen - Cyberman chest unit
    Terror of the Zygons
    Planet of Evil - Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde
    Pyramids of Mars - Fez
    The Android Invasion - TARDIS key hanging on a canister on the bookshelf
    The Brain of Morbius - Morbius' brain
    The Seeds of Doom
    The Masque of Mandragora - SJS bodkin to left of Sharez Jek mask
    The Hand of Fear - Eldrad's Hand
    The Deadly Assassin - the Master's Grandfather Clock TARDIS
    The Face of Evil
    The Robots of Death - Robot Probe
    The Talons of Weng-Chiang - Magnifying Glass/Palace Theatre poster on floor
    Horror of Fang Rock - Lighthouse picture
    The Invisible Enemy - K-9
    Image of the Fendahl - Fendahl Core Skull
    The Sun Makers - Aztec type shield behind guitar
    Underworld - Persephone nameplate
    The Invasion of Time- Brick TARDIS walls (behind roundels)
    The Ribos Operation - Jethryk? on the shelf near the fez
    The Pirate Planet - Parrot
    The Stones of Blood - The stone bleeding (on the right of the picture, next to the Fez)
    The Androids of Tara - fishing rod/Prisoner of Zenda book
    The Power of Kroll
    The Armageddon Factor
    Destiny of the Daleks - Dalek bomb
    City of Death - Mona Lisa
    The Creature from the Pit - Comunicator disc
    Nightmare of Eden - ? butterfly on VCR
    The Horns of Nimon - Soldeed's staff- the crystal is just below the French flag
    The Leisure Hive - Foamasi
    Meglos- Cactus
    Full Circle- Badge for Mathematical Excellence (on floor)
    State of Decay - Dracula book
    Warriors Gate
    The Keeper of Traken - Grandfather clock TARDIS
    Logopolis - Cassette tape near Sharez Jek mask*
    Castrovalva - 4th Doctor's shoes
    Four to Doomsday
    Kinda - Mask under guitar
    The Visitation
    Black Orchid - Black Orchid book and cricket bat
    Earthshock - TARDIS toolbox
    Time-Flight - Concorde
    Arc of Infinity
    Snakedance - snake
    Mawdryn Undead - I love NY t-shirt
    Terminus- Turlough's Cystal
    The King's Demons
    The Five Doctors - The Master's recall device
    Warriors of the Deep - gas cannister
    The Awakening - mini-Malus
    Resurrection of the Daleks - exploded Dalek
    Planet of Fire -Peri's bikini top
    The Caves of Androzani - Sharaz Jek's mask
    The Twin Dilemma
    Attack of the Cybermen - Cyber-head
    Vengeance on Varos
    The Mark of the Rani
    The Two Doctors
    Timelash - The Time Machine (black book at far left of nearest bookshelf)
    Revelation of the Daleks
    Trial of a Time Lord
    - The Mysterious Planet HMSO Book on Canado Goose (orange book next to Dracula)
    - Mindwarp
    - The Terror of the Vervoids - the Autumn leaves on the floor
    - The Ultimate Foe - The quill on the shelf near the chameleon thing
    Time and the Rani
    Paradise Towers - Red Kangs are best (wallscrawl on the bag at the front)
    Delta and the Bannermen - guitar
    Dragonfire - 7th Doctor's umbrella
    Remembrance of the Daleks
    The Happiness Patrol- Waiting Zone yellow and black tape
    Silver Nemesis - Load of gold coins next to the time ring on the shelf

    *I don't remember a cassette tape in Logopolis, but next to the Red Kangs bag there are some numbers written in red on a sheet of paper which are the numbers Adric reads out to the Monitor. So the tape must be from something else... Silver Nemesis perhaps, but then where do the gold coins go....

  5. #80
    Captain Tancredi Guest


    An Unearthly Child - Second Skull
    The Daleks - Thal Cape
    The Edge of Destruction - Scissors (on the table)
    Marco Polo - chess board
    The Keys of Marinus - I think that's one of the keys on the shelf near the Sontaran control device isn't it (it's a long time since I've seen Keys, sorry)
    The Aztecs - Cocoa under table at front (orange tin) - I think the Aztec shield abehind the guitar is Sunmakers
    The Sensorites
    The Reign of Terror - French Flag
    Planet of Giants
    Dalek Invasion of Earth
    The Rescue - one of those Didonian drawings (in front of the Mona Lisa)
    The Romans - Lyre in front of K9
    The Web Planet
    The Crusade
    The Space Museum - Xerosian Space Rocket Exhibit on shelf
    The Chase
    The Time Meddler - Viking Helmet
    Galaxy 4 - bottle of ammonia on top shelf
    Mission to the Unknown
    The Myth Makers
    The Daleks' Master Plan - Varga Plant
    The Massacre
    The Ark
    The Celestial Toymaker
    The Gunfighters - gunbelt below Peri's bikini top
    The Savages
    The War Machines
    The Smugglers - Hook hand under table next to cocoa
    The Tenth Planet
    The Power of the Daleks
    The Highlanders - bagpipes/Claymore
    The Underwater Menace - the octopus on the table ?
    The Moonbase
    The Macra Terror
    The Faceless Ones - Chamelon Tours Rocket
    The Evil of the Daleks
    The Tomb of the Cybermen - Cybermat
    The Abominable Snowmen - Yeti Control Sphere
    The Ice Warriors
    The Enemy of the World
    The Web of Fear
    Fury from the Deep - Helicoper
    The Wheel in Space
    The Dominators- quark head behind Mona Lisa
    The Mind Robber - tin soldier
    The Invasion - manhole cover
    The Krotons- beaker labelled Tellurium on top shelf
    The Seeds of Death
    The Space Pirates
    The War Games
    Spearhead from Space - Title sequence
    Doctor Who and the Silurians - miners helmet & lamp
    The Ambassadors of Death - front of one of the spacesuits (hanging out of the filing cabinet)
    Inferno - eye patch
    Terror of the Autons - daffodil
    The Mind of Evil
    The Claws of Axos
    Colony in Space - fake monster robot claw next to Laserson probe
    The Daemons
    The Day of the Daleks - wine and cheese on the table
    The Curse of Peladon - ? book of Venusian Lullaby next to Red Kang bag
    The Sea Devils - Sea Devil gun
    The Mutants
    The Time Monster - Kronos crystal on back bookshelves
    The Three Doctors- E=MC2
    Carnival of Monsters
    Frontier in Space
    Planet of the Daleks -Spiridon cloak
    The Green Death - giant maggot
    The Time Warrior - Sontaran Control thingy (on shelf)
    Invasion of the Dinosaurs - dinosaur
    Death to the Daleks
    The Monster of Peladon
    Planet of the Spiders -Metebelis crystal
    Robot - Rust virus affecting K9
    The Ark in Space - burned shoe
    The Sontaran Experiment - Sontaran Helmet
    Genesis of the Daleks - Time Ring
    Revenge of the Cybermen - Cyberman chest unit
    Terror of the Zygons
    Planet of Evil - Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde
    Pyramids of Mars - Fez
    The Android Invasion - TARDIS key hanging on a canister on the bookshelf
    The Brain of Morbius - Morbius' brain
    The Seeds of Doom
    The Masque of Mandragora - SJS bodkin to left of Sharez Jek mask
    The Hand of Fear - Eldrad's Hand
    The Deadly Assassin - the Master's Grandfather Clock TARDIS
    The Face of Evil
    The Robots of Death - Robot Probe
    The Talons of Weng-Chiang - Magnifying Glass/Palace Theatre poster on floor
    Horror of Fang Rock - Lighthouse picture
    The Invisible Enemy - K-9
    Image of the Fendahl - Fendahl Core Skull
    The Sun Makers - Aztec type shield behind guitar
    Underworld - Persephone nameplate
    The Invasion of Time- Brick TARDIS walls (behind roundels)
    The Ribos Operation - Jethryk? on the shelf near the fez
    The Pirate Planet - Parrot
    The Stones of Blood - The stone bleeding (on the right of the picture, next to the Fez)
    The Androids of Tara - fishing rod/Prisoner of Zenda book
    The Power of Kroll
    The Armageddon Factor
    Destiny of the Daleks - Dalek bomb
    City of Death - Mona Lisa
    The Creature from the Pit - Comunicator disc
    Nightmare of Eden - ? butterfly on VCR
    The Horns of Nimon - Soldeed's staff- the crystal is just below the French flag
    The Leisure Hive - Foamasi
    Meglos- Cactus
    Full Circle- Badge for Mathematical Excellence (on floor)
    State of Decay - Dracula book
    Warriors Gate
    The Keeper of Traken - Grandfather clock TARDIS
    Logopolis - Cassette tape near Sharez Jek mask*
    Castrovalva - 4th Doctor's shoes
    Four to Doomsday
    Kinda - Mask under guitar
    The Visitation - Rat on top of the television
    Black Orchid - Black Orchid book and cricket bat
    Earthshock - TARDIS toolbox
    Time-Flight - Concorde
    Arc of Infinity
    Snakedance - snake
    Mawdryn Undead - I love NY t-shirt
    Terminus- Turlough's Cystal
    The King's Demons
    The Five Doctors - The Master's recall device
    Warriors of the Deep - gas cannister
    The Awakening - mini-Malus
    Resurrection of the Daleks - exploded Dalek
    Planet of Fire -Peri's bikini top
    The Caves of Androzani - Sharaz Jek's mask
    The Twin Dilemma
    Attack of the Cybermen - Cyber-head
    Vengeance on Varos
    The Mark of the Rani
    The Two Doctors
    Timelash - The Time Machine (black book at far left of nearest bookshelf)
    Revelation of the Daleks
    Trial of a Time Lord
    - The Mysterious Planet HMSO Book on Canado Goose (orange book next to Dracula)
    - Mindwarp
    - The Terror of the Vervoids - the Autumn leaves on the floor
    - The Ultimate Foe - The quill on the shelf near the chameleon thing
    Time and the Rani
    Paradise Towers - Red Kangs are best (wallscrawl on the bag at the front)
    Delta and the Bannermen - guitar
    Dragonfire - 7th Doctor's umbrella
    Remembrance of the Daleks
    The Happiness Patrol- Waiting Zone yellow and black tape
    Silver Nemesis - Load of gold coins next to the time ring on the shelf

  6. #81
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    West Sussex


    I've suggested a few changes to ones that people have already made

    Logopolis - I was thinking of the Master recording his universal message, but I think you're right with the numbers thing

    An Unearthly Child - Second Skull
    The Daleks - Thal Cape
    The Edge of Destruction - Scissors (on the table)
    Marco Polo - chess board
    The Keys of Marinus - I think that's one of the keys on the shelf near the Sontaran control device isn't it (it's a long time since I've seen Keys, sorry)
    The Aztecs - Cocoa under table at front (orange tin)
    The Sensorites
    The Reign of Terror - French Flag
    Planet of Giants
    Dalek Invasion of Earth
    The Rescue - one of those Didonian drawings (in front of the Mona Lisa)
    The Romans - Lyre in front of K9
    The Web Planet - Butterfly on VCR
    The Crusade
    The Space Museum - Xerosian Space Rocket Exhibit on shelf
    The Chase
    The Time Meddler - Viking Helmet
    Galaxy 4 - bottle of ammonia on top shelf
    Mission to the Unknown
    The Myth Makers
    The Daleks' Master Plan - Varga Plant
    The Massacre
    The Ark
    The Celestial Toymaker
    The Gunfighters - gunbelt below Peri's bikini top
    The Savages
    The War Machines - the telephone ?
    The Smugglers - Hook hand under table next to cocoa
    The Tenth Planet
    The Power of the Daleks
    The Highlanders - Claymore or tartan hat
    The Underwater Menace - the octopus on the table ?
    The Moonbase -
    The Macra Terror
    The Faceless Ones - Chamelon Tours Rocket
    The Evil of the Daleks
    The Tomb of the Cybermen - Cybermat
    The Abominable Snowmen - Yeti Control Sphere
    The Ice Warriors
    The Enemy of the World
    The Web of Fear
    Fury from the Deep - Helicoper
    The Wheel in Space - black cannister of Instant plastic under table
    The Dominators- quark head behind Mona Lisa
    The Mind Robber - tin soldier
    The Invasion - manhole cover
    The Krotons- beaker labelled Tellurium on top shelf
    The Seeds of Death
    The Space Pirates
    The War Games
    Spearhead from Space - Title sequence / energy sphere below Dido picture
    Doctor Who and the Silurians - miners helmet & lamp
    The Ambassadors of Death - front of one of the spacesuits (hanging out of the filing cabinet)
    Inferno - eye patch
    Terror of the Autons - daffodil
    The Mind of Evil - prison uniform on rug
    The Claws of Axos - nuclear radiation symbol ?
    Colony in Space - fake monster robot claw next to Laserson probe
    The Daemons - black candle on bookshelf next to viking helmet ?
    The Day of the Daleks - wine and cheese on the table
    The Curse of Peladon - ? book of Venusian Lullaby next to Red Kang bag
    The Sea Devils - Sea Devil gun
    The Mutants
    The Time Monster - Kronos crystal on back bookshelves
    The Three Doctors- E=MC2
    Carnival of Monsters
    Frontier in Space
    Planet of the Daleks -Spiridon cloak
    The Green Death - giant maggot
    The Time Warrior - Sontaran Control thingy (on shelf)
    Invasion of the Dinosaurs - dinosaur
    Death to the Daleks - bow and arrows below Thal cloak
    The Monster of Peladon
    Planet of the Spiders -Metebelis crystal
    Robot - Rust virus affecting K9
    The Ark in Space - burned shoe
    The Sontaran Experiment - Sontaran Helmet
    Genesis of the Daleks - Time Ring
    Revenge of the Cybermen - Cyberman chest unit
    Terror of the Zygons - bagpipes / tartan hat
    Planet of Evil - Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde
    Pyramids of Mars - Fez
    The Android Invasion - TARDIS key hanging on a canister on the bookshelf
    The Brain of Morbius - Morbius' brain
    The Seeds of Doom
    The Masque of Mandragora - SJS bodkin to left of Sharez Jek mask
    The Hand of Fear - Eldrad's Hand
    The Deadly Assassin - the Master's Grandfather Clock TARDIS
    The Face of Evil
    The Robots of Death - Robot Probe
    The Talons of Weng-Chiang - Magnifying Glass/Palace Theatre poster on floor
    Horror of Fang Rock - Lighthouse picture
    The Invisible Enemy - K-9
    Image of the Fendahl - Fendahl Core Skull
    The Sun Makers - Aztec type shield behind guitar
    Underworld - Persephone nameplate
    The Invasion of Time- Brick TARDIS walls (behind roundels)
    The Ribos Operation - Jethryk? on the shelf near the fez
    The Pirate Planet - Parrot
    The Stones of Blood - The stone bleeding (on the right of the picture, next to the Fez) -doesn't look like rock to me - I prefer old fashioned truncheon near umbrella
    The Androids of Tara - fishing rod/Prisoner of Zenda book
    The Power of Kroll
    The Armageddon Factor - complete Key to Time
    Destiny of the Daleks - Dalek bomb
    City of Death - Mona Lisa
    The Creature from the Pit - Comunicator disc
    Nightmare of Eden - black and yellow tape ?
    The Horns of Nimon - Soldeed's staff- the crystal is just below the French flag
    The Leisure Hive - Foamasi
    Meglos- Cactus
    Full Circle- Badge for Mathematical Excellence (on floor)
    State of Decay - Dracula book
    Warriors Gate
    The Keeper of Traken - Grandfather clock TARDIS
    Logopolis - List of numbers in red at bottom
    Castrovalva - 4th Doctor's shoes
    Four to Doomsday - frog on table
    Kinda - Mask under guitar
    The Visitation - Rat on top of the television
    Black Orchid - Black Orchid book and cricket bat
    Earthshock - TARDIS toolbox
    Time-Flight - Concorde
    Arc of Infinity
    Snakedance - snake
    Mawdryn Undead - I love NY t-shirt
    Terminus- Turlough's Cystal
    The King's Demons
    The Five Doctors - The Master's recall device
    Warriors of the Deep - gas cannister
    The Awakening - roundhead helmet
    Frontios - hatstand
    Resurrection of the Daleks - exploded Dalek
    Planet of Fire -Peri's bikini top
    The Caves of Androzani - Sharaz Jek's mask
    The Twin Dilemma
    Attack of the Cybermen - Cyber-head
    Vengeance on Varos
    The Mark of the Rani - list of scientists next to demat unit
    The Two Doctors - meat cleaver on table
    Timelash - The Time Machine (black book at far left of nearest bookshelf)
    Revelation of the Daleks
    Trial of a Time Lord
    - The Mysterious Planet HMSO Book on Canado Goose (orange book next to Dracula)
    - Mindwarp
    - The Terror of the Vervoids - the Autumn leaves on the floor
    - The Ultimate Foe - The quill on the shelf near the chameleon thing
    Time and the Rani
    Paradise Towers - Red Kangs are best (wallscrawl on the bag at the front)
    Delta and the Bannermen - guitar
    Dragonfire - 7th Doctor's umbrella
    Remembrance of the Daleks
    The Happiness Patrol- Waiting Zone yellow and black tape / candy cane on table
    Silver Nemesis - Load of gold coins next to the time ring on the shelf
    Last edited by Jon Masters; 17th Jul 2008 at 11:54 PM.
    Bazinga !

  7. #82


    That tape cassette... I can only think it would be from Silver Nemesis (the one Ace gets signed by Courtney Pine and they use to jam the Cybertransmissions), so if anyone else can think of a story involving gold coins... (Well, unless there might be more than one thing from some stories)

    Also, the globe sitting on top of the bookcase that isn't of Earth clearly must be relevant, although I have no idea what planet it could be. Having said that, I remember in the first Dalek film, the Daleks have a big map of Skaro on the control room wall, so maybe it's a reference to that.

  8. #83
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    An Unearthly Child - Second Skull
    The Daleks - Thal Cape
    The Edge of Destruction - Scissors (on the table)
    Marco Polo - chess board
    The Keys of Marinus - I think that's one of the keys on the shelf near the Sontaran control device isn't it (it's a long time since I've seen Keys, sorry)
    The Aztecs - Cocoa under table at front (orange tin)
    The Sensorites
    The Reign of Terror - French Flag
    Planet of Giants
    Dalek Invasion of Earth
    The Rescue - one of those Didonian drawings (in front of the Mona Lisa)
    The Romans - Lyre in front of K9
    The Web Planet - Butterfly on VCR
    The Crusade - Richard the Lionheart's crown (behind the VCR)
    The Space Museum - Xerosian Space Rocket Exhibit on shelf
    The Chase
    The Time Meddler - Viking Helmet
    Galaxy 4 - bottle of ammonia on top shelf
    Mission to the Unknown
    The Myth Makers
    The Daleks' Master Plan - Varga Plant
    The Massacre
    The Ark
    The Celestial Toymaker - Billy Bunter's cap (?) next to the Queen portrait
    The Gunfighters - gunbelt below Peri's bikini top
    The Savages
    The War Machines - the telephone ?
    The Smugglers - Hook hand under table next to cocoa
    The Tenth Planet
    The Power of the Daleks
    The Highlanders - Claymore or tartan hat
    The Underwater Menace - the octopus on the table ?
    The Moonbase -
    The Macra Terror
    The Faceless Ones - Chamelon Tours Rocket
    The Evil of the Daleks
    The Tomb of the Cybermen - Cybermat
    The Abominable Snowmen - Yeti Control Sphere
    The Ice Warriors
    The Enemy of the World
    The Web of Fear
    Fury from the Deep - Helicoper
    The Wheel in Space - black cannister of Instant plastic under table
    The Dominators- quark head behind Mona Lisa
    The Mind Robber - tin soldier
    The Invasion - manhole cover
    The Krotons- beaker labelled Tellurium on top shelf
    The Seeds of Death
    The Space Pirates
    The War Games
    Spearhead from Space - Title sequence / energy sphere below Dido picture
    Doctor Who and the Silurians - miners helmet & lamp
    The Ambassadors of Death - front of one of the spacesuits (hanging out of the filing cabinet)
    Inferno - eye patch
    Terror of the Autons - daffodil
    The Mind of Evil - prison uniform on rug
    The Claws of Axos - nuclear radiation symbol ?
    Colony in Space - fake monster robot claw next to Laserson probe
    The Daemons - black candle on bookshelf next to viking helmet ?
    The Day of the Daleks - wine and cheese on the table
    The Curse of Peladon - ? book of Venusian Lullaby next to Red Kang bag
    The Sea Devils - Sea Devil gun
    The Mutants
    The Time Monster - Kronos crystal on back bookshelves
    The Three Doctors- E=MC2
    Carnival of Monsters
    Frontier in Space
    Planet of the Daleks -Spiridon cloak
    The Green Death - giant maggot
    The Time Warrior - Sontaran Control thingy (on shelf)
    Invasion of the Dinosaurs - dinosaur
    Death to the Daleks - bow and arrows below Thal cloak
    The Monster of Peladon
    Planet of the Spiders -Metebelis crystal
    Robot - Rust virus affecting K9
    The Ark in Space - burned shoe
    The Sontaran Experiment - Sontaran Helmet
    Genesis of the Daleks - Time Ring
    Revenge of the Cybermen - Cyberman chest unit
    Terror of the Zygons - bagpipes / tartan hat
    Planet of Evil - Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde
    Pyramids of Mars - Fez
    The Android Invasion - TARDIS key hanging on a canister on the bookshelf
    The Brain of Morbius - Morbius' brain
    The Seeds of Doom
    The Masque of Mandragora - SJS bodkin to left of Sharez Jek mask
    The Hand of Fear - Eldrad's Hand
    The Deadly Assassin - the Master's Grandfather Clock TARDIS
    The Face of Evil
    The Robots of Death - Robot Probe
    The Talons of Weng-Chiang - Magnifying Glass/Palace Theatre poster on floor
    Horror of Fang Rock - Lighthouse picture
    The Invisible Enemy - K-9
    Image of the Fendahl - Fendahl Core Skull
    The Sun Makers - Aztec type shield behind guitar
    Underworld - Persephone nameplate
    The Invasion of Time- Brick TARDIS walls (behind roundels)
    The Ribos Operation - Jethryk? on the shelf near the fez
    The Pirate Planet - Parrot
    The Stones of Blood - The stone bleeding (on the right of the picture, next to the Fez) -doesn't look like rock to me - I prefer old fashioned truncheon near umbrella
    The Androids of Tara - fishing rod/Prisoner of Zenda book
    The Power of Kroll
    The Armageddon Factor - complete Key to Time
    Destiny of the Daleks - Dalek bomb
    City of Death - Mona Lisa
    The Creature from the Pit - Comunicator disc
    Nightmare of Eden - black and yellow tape ?
    The Horns of Nimon - Soldeed's staff- the crystal is just below the French flag
    The Leisure Hive - Foamasi
    Meglos- Cactus
    Full Circle- Badge for Mathematical Excellence (on floor)
    State of Decay - Dracula book
    Warriors Gate
    The Keeper of Traken - Grandfather clock TARDIS
    Logopolis - List of numbers in red at bottom
    Castrovalva - 4th Doctor's shoes
    Four to Doomsday - frog on table
    Kinda - Mask under guitar
    The Visitation - Rat on top of the television
    Black Orchid - Black Orchid book and cricket bat
    Earthshock - TARDIS toolbox
    Time-Flight - Concorde
    Arc of Infinity
    Snakedance - snake
    Mawdryn Undead - I love NY t-shirt
    Terminus- Turlough's Cystal
    The King's Demons
    The Five Doctors - The Master's recall device
    Warriors of the Deep - gas cannister
    The Awakening - roundhead helmet
    Frontios - hatstand
    Resurrection of the Daleks - exploded Dalek
    Planet of Fire -Peri's bikini top
    The Caves of Androzani - Sharaz Jek's mask
    The Twin Dilemma
    Attack of the Cybermen - Cyber-head
    Vengeance on Varos
    The Mark of the Rani - list of scientists next to demat unit
    The Two Doctors - meat cleaver on table
    Timelash - The Time Machine (black book at far left of nearest bookshelf)
    Revelation of the Daleks
    Trial of a Time Lord
    - The Mysterious Planet HMSO Book on Canado Goose (orange book next to Dracula)
    - Mindwarp
    - The Terror of the Vervoids - the Autumn leaves on the floor
    - The Ultimate Foe - The quill on the shelf near the chameleon thing
    Time and the Rani
    Paradise Towers - Red Kangs are best (wallscrawl on the bag at the front)
    Delta and the Bannermen - guitar
    Dragonfire - 7th Doctor's umbrella
    Remembrance of the Daleks
    The Happiness Patrol- Waiting Zone yellow and black tape / candy cane on table
    Silver Nemesis - Load of gold coins next to the time ring on the shelf

  9. #84
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    West Midlands


    I too am fascinated by this Photo. Is it the Doctor meets back to the future as I'm sure it has DMC on the front of the component the doctor is handling?

  10. #85
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    West Midlands


    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew Curnow View Post
    Where are you getting all these pics from?! Amazing, especially the Nick 'n' Tom ones!!

    This isn't rare at all, quite the opposite in fact:

    For some reason, though, I'm always fascinated by this photo. It's such an 'iconic' photo, in that we've all seen it loads of times I'm sure - and yet I nowadays always look at it and think that for those four actors it was just another picture, and after it was taken they went off to their tea break or whatever. I can't really explain what I mean, it just fascinates me to think of them posing for that picture, and then just getting on with the rest of their lives!

    Whoops I meant to reply thus.

    I too am fascinated by this Photo. Is it the Doctor meets back to the future as I'm sure it has DMC on the front of the component the doctor is handling?

  11. #86
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by stephenhannan View Post
    Whoops I meant to reply thus.

    I too am fascinated by this Photo. Is it the Doctor meets back to the future as I'm sure it has DMC on the front of the component the doctor is handling?
    Err...I think you're imagining it.

  12. #87
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    It does say PVC on the bit that Billy's reading - i dread to think what's going through his mind...

  13. #88
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC


    Hartnell is obviously thinking, "If I was Tom Baker, I'd call this an f***ing dreary prop!"

  14. #89
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    And during the filming of The Leisure Hive, Tom Baker thought "If I was Bill Hartnell, I'd call this a f***ing dreary prop!"

  15. #90


  16. #91
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    That's good.

  17. #92


    There's a Dalek one as well, but the joke's been done now

  18. #93
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC


    The Doctor could do with one of those - he should go to Halfords!

  19. #94
    Pip Madeley Guest


    The Two Bakers:

  20. #95
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC


    Is it me, or do they look like a couple?

  21. #96
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    No they don't.
    For every fail, there is an equal and opposite win.

    ...Oh, who am I kidding?

  22. #97
    Pip Madeley Guest


    Well that's you put in your place, Andrew.

  23. #98
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC


    I think a better answer would have been "It's you"!

  24. #99
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    I think Andrew's right as it happens. They do look like a couple of actors.

  25. #100
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    You can imagine Tom affectionately stroking the back of Colin's head.

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