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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bracknell, Berks

    Default Friday Random Questions

    It's been a long time since we've had a random question thread so I thought I'd start one!

    1. What are your plans for the weekend?
    2. What was the last live event (ie gig, theatre etc) you went to?
    3. What's your favourite city in the UK?
    4. Have you been downloading and listening to the new PS audio season?
    5. What you the last piece of clothing you purchased?
    6. What colour are your living room walls?
    7. Who is the Doctor?
    8. What are your holiday plans for this year?
    9. What's been your biggest achievement so far this year?
    10. Are you happy?

    Si xx

    I've just got my handcuffs and my truncheon and that's enough.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    1. What are your plans for the weekend?

    I'm going to a wedding! My sister is getting married, so it'll be quite an event. I'm doing a reading from Terrance Dicks Verse 14. Oh, and I'm going to see Girls Aloud!

    2. What was the last live event (ie gig, theatre etc) you went to?

    I can't remember, perhaps Cyndi Lauper in Hammersmith although Simon is going to come along and tell me there was something obvious at the O2 that we saw more recently.

    3. What's your favourite city in the UK?

    I'm not a great fan of cities, but I'm happy wandering around Birmingham, Leeds or London.

    4. Have you been downloading and listening to the new PS audio season?

    I haven't downloaded it, but I have uploaded it and listened to it an awful lot! It's definately worth hearing!

    5. What you the last piece of clothing you purchased?

    I went on a wild spree and bought lots of shirts and jeans and things in the sales a few months ago. That's me done for the year.

    6. What colour are your living room walls?

    Cream and peach. We did a really good job on it. The bedrooms and the kitchen need to be done next.

    7. Who is the Doctor?

    Paul Monk!

    8. What are your holiday plans for this year?

    We can't really go unless I get a job.

    9. What's been your biggest achievement so far this year?

    Finishing production on the PS Audio Season!

    10. Are you happy?

    Happiness is always relative. I think I'm pretty happy, considering.


  3. #3
    Wayne Guest


    1. What are your plans for the weekend?

    A mix of gigs & going out drinking with me mates.

    2. What was the last live event (ie gig, theatre etc) you went to?

    Does going to see my mate's Beatles cover band a couple of Sundays back count?

    3. What's your favourite city in the UK?

    ooh blimey! Dunno really. Nottingham i suppose. Though i do like London.

    4. Have you been downloading and listening to the new PS audio season?

    Yep. Although i prefer sticking the CD's on, so i shall look forward to getting them.

    5. What you the last piece of clothing you purchased?

    Just before christmas i bought new chinos, a V neck top, some new boots, & a couple of shirts. Nothing since then, but i have pre-ordered a Space Ritual (Hawkwind) T-Shirt from that's out at the end of the month.

    6. What colour are your living room walls?

    White. Makes for easier decorating.

    7. Who is the Doctor?

    Paul Monk

    8. What are your holiday plans for this year?

    My life is a holiday!

    9. What's been your biggest achievement so far this year?

    errrm...... pass! (Being open minded enough to enjoy the new Star Trek film, perhaps?)

    10. Are you happy?

    As it happens, yes i am.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom


    1. What are your plans for the weekend?
    Fish and chips with gran in Watford, then after seeing gran a nice walk, maybe watch a film on DVD or two? Or some Out of The Unknown. Or do some writing, or go for a cycle ride.
    2. What was the last live event (ie gig, theatre etc) you went to?
    Hah! Radiophonic Workshop Live at the Camden Roundhouse
    3. What's your favourite city in the UK?
    Watford is only a town, so I'll say London. It's got it all.
    4. Have you been downloading and listening to the new PS audio season?
    I downloaded the first episode last weekend, but we ended up listening to the copy that Si downloaded. What a world we live in.
    5. What you the last piece of clothing you purchased?
    A green t-shirt with a multi-coloured alien on it.
    6. What colour are your living room walls?
    White as snow! With a few flecks of grey now.
    7. Who is the Doctor?
    I like Wayne's answer for this! So I'll copy him and say Paul Monk.
    8. What are your holiday plans for this year?
    Somewhere in the North of England, or maybe just the Lake District. Or France?
    9. What's been your biggest achievement so far this year?
    Hmm. Oh dear... possibly getting picked to give a talk to the Society of Road Safety Auditors. Or the stuff I've done for PS Audios.
    10. Are you happy?
    Yes, largely thanks to Si Hart.
    Pity. I have no understanding of the word. It is not registered in my vocabulary bank. EXTERMINATE!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    1. What are your plans for the weekend?
    Car booting, and lots of lazing around. I had a big drinking night out last night, so I've no urge to do another quite yet.

    2. What was the last live event (ie gig, theatre etc) you went to?
    I went to see Mark Steel in Haywards Heath a couple of weeks back, but gig-wise it was a surprisingly decent cover band around the beginning of May.

    3. What's your favourite city in the UK?
    London. Despite all the craziness of the city I do love living here.

    4. Have you been downloading and listening to the new PS audio season?
    Yes, but of course!

    5. What you the last piece of clothing you purchased?
    A pair of jeans. They're already torn a bit at the bottom.

    6. What colour are your living room walls?
    Smokey white.

    7. Who is the Doctor?
    Mr Monk.

    8. What are your holiday plans for this year?
    I'm going to spend a week at the Edinburgh Festival, watching lots of comedy, theatre and bands, whilst getting drunk at the same time - I have a strong feeling it could be my best holiday yet!

    9. What's been your biggest achievement so far this year?
    I can't think of one sadly.

    10. Are you happy?
    Yeah, most of the time. Which is a big improvement on the last couple of years.
    "RIP Henchman No.24."

  6. #6
    Pip Madeley Guest


    1. What are your plans for the weekend?
    My girlfriend is away tonight so I'm having a quiet night with some DVDs and Doritos... she's back tomorrow with her friend so they're staying here Saturday night... Sunday I'll probably go to see my dad... and Monday I'll be eating hideous food in the name of entertainment.

    2. What was the last live event (ie gig, theatre etc) you went to?
    IAMX at Manchester Academy 2 last month.

    3. What's your favourite city in the UK?

    4. Have you been downloading and listening to the new PS audio season?
    Of course, wouldn't miss it for the world.

    5. What you the last piece of clothing you purchased?
    Got myself a Kasabian t-shirt from Fopp for £2 on Tuesday.

    6. What colour are your living room walls?

    7. Who is the Doctor?
    He's fire and ice and rage... and stuff.

    8. What are your holiday plans for this year?
    I was planning to go away for the first time but I may just end up having a little break in Cardiff, doing the obvious...

    9. What's been your biggest achievement so far this year?
    Getting this new job - I'll be in charge of someone, that's a big step up in terms of my career.

    10. Are you happy?
    Compared to this time last year, a LOT happier.

  7. #7
    Wayne Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Pip Madeley View Post
    10. Are you happy?
    Compared to this time last year, a LOT happier.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    1. What are your plans for the weekend?
    Tomorrow I’ll be finishing off at Dave Taylor’s flat (some DIY I’ve been doing for him - nothing sordid! ). Sunday will be a lazing around day, methinks.

    2. What was the last live event (ie gig, theatre etc) you went to?
    Radiophonic Workshop Live!

    3. What's your favourite city in the UK?
    I rather like Manchester, bur Edinburgh is beautiful!

    4. Have you been downloading and listening to the new PS audio season?

    5. What you the last piece of clothing you purchased?
    Technically it was my 'Paul Monk is The Doctor' t-shirt!

    6. What colour are your living room walls?

    7. Who is the Doctor?
    He certainly is!

    8. What are your holiday plans for this year?
    We’re off on a cruise in two weeks time to the Norwegian fjords, and we’ve booked a week in Fueteventura in November. Not bad for two people with no jobs!

    9. What's been your biggest achievement so far this year?
    Finishing The Tamaras Crisis re-edit!

    10. Are you happy?
    Oh, yes!

  9. #9
    Wayne Guest


    Your answer to Question 9 is intriguing.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Wayne View Post
    Your answer to Question 9 is intriguing.

    Oh, I'm sure you'll see it one day!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    1. What are your plans for the weekend?

    I will probably sit in the garden with a bunny or two. I have a few things in town I need Jason to do, I'm still not up to going far.

    2. What was the last live event (ie gig, theatre etc) you went to?

    Ummmmmmm.... that's a toughie. Probably Ladyboys of Bangkok.

    3. What's your favourite city in the UK?


    4. Have you been downloading and listening to the new PS audio season?

    No - sorry!

    5. What you the last piece of clothing you purchased?

    I can't remember. I bought some new sandals recently - gold with cork/wood platforms.
    6. What colour are your living room walls?


    7. Who is the Doctor?

    Paul Monk!

    8. What are your holiday plans for this year?

    I don't have any - I wish I did!

    9. What's been your biggest achievement so far this year?

    Finally getting HMRC to take my National Insurance Contributions correctly!

    10. Are you happy?


  12. #12
    Captain Tancredi Guest


    1. What are your plans for the weekend?

    Four hours' overtime tomorrow, tidying the flat, off to a nearby National Trust property on Sunday and selling some books on Monday

    2. What was the last live event (ie gig, theatre etc) you went to?

    Music from Outer Space (presented by Elisabeth Sladen and Brian Miller) at the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Hall

    3. What's your favourite city in the UK?

    I've warmed to Liverpool a lot over the last year or two- Leeds is good in parts but working anywhere tends to put you off it.

    4. Have you been downloading and listening to the new PS audio season?

    Unfortunately not- I really just don't have time to sit and listen to things.

    5. What you the last piece of clothing you purchased?

    A rather nice pair of deck shoes for going away on holiday the week after next.

    6. What colour are your living room walls?


    7. Who is the Doctor?

    We've got a couple around here, haven't we? Being a humble MA, I'm just a Master...and you will obey me...

    8. What are your holiday plans for this year?

    A week in Penzance at the beginning of June and then Vilnius (Lithuania) in October

    9. What's been your biggest achievement so far this year?

    Losing a stone and a half between New Year and Easter

    10. Are you happy?

    No, then again I don't think it's something you can set out to achieve. I tend to believe the friend who once told me that contentment is a discipline you have to learn.

  13. #13
    Wayne Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Tancredi View Post
    Losing a stone and a half between New Year and Easter
    Well done Ian!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Tomorrow I’ll be finishing off Dave Taylor


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    West Sussex


    1. What are your plans for the weekend?
    To do as little as possible - its half term !! Probably catch up with all the reading and listening I've missed out on this half term (including the exciting Blood Money part 2)
    2. What was the last live event (ie gig, theatre etc) you went to?
    Not sure if it counts, but the spectacular Hinchcliffe Horror event
    3. What's your favourite city in the UK?
    Edinburgh - I loved living there for 5 years as a student, and regularly dream of going back
    4. Have you been downloading and listening to the new PS audio season?
    5. What you the last piece of clothing you purchased?
    A cheap pair of work shoes that already need replacing
    6. What colour are your living room walls?
    I'm so sad - I just had to go and check...a creamy brown
    7. Who is the Doctor?
    Paul Monk is the Doctor
    8. What are your holiday plans for this year?
    A week on Guernsey in the summer
    9. What's been your biggest achievement so far this year?
    Being asked to write a PS audio and then doing it (although that may not be true after people have heard it....)
    10. Are you happy?
    No - sometimes I struggle to think of a time when I was more unhappy, but I am determined to try and enjoy what I have instead of worrying what might happen (now you wish you hadn't asked )
    Bazinga !

  16. #16
    Wayne Guest


    6 -
    9 -
    10 -

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC


    Unfortunately not- I really just don't have time to sit and listen to things.
    Just a suggestion, Ian, but I usually listen to them while doing the ironing. If I just sit and listen I get terribly fidgety/get the munchies, so I have to be doing something - but something sufficiently 'dull' (like ironing) that I can still concentrate on the CD.

    1. What are your plans for the weekend?
    Well, tomorrow morning I've got to take Claudia into town for her horse-riding lesson (crikey that sounds posh doesn't it!). In the afternoon we're probably going down to Mum & Dad's to take down a clothing-rail that needs a bit of DIYing (hence going to see Dad). And at some point I variously want to do thankyou letters to my Aunt & Great-Aunt, clean out the rabbit-shed, cut the front grass & maybe even start hacking away at the back hedge, do the ironing, and maybe even finish off a little bit of writing. And listen to Blood Money part 2!!

    2. What was the last live event (ie gig, theatre etc) you went to?
    Oh crikey - if it's "of any sort" then it would be my nephew's end-of-term show. If it's anything sort of professional, then, erm... to quote Mr Jago, the answer would have to be never sir!!

    3. What's your favourite city in the UK?
    Living out in the sticks, I actually now find the 'crush' of people in a city quite unsettling, when we go shopping in Exeter, for example, or Plymouth. So for nostalgic reasons (I haven't been back there since I was 11) I'll say Carlisle. I'll actually be quite interested to see it on Google Streetview (the cars were round in April, so it's in the pipeline) to see how things have changed.

    4. Have you been downloading and listening to the new PS audio season?
    So far, yes!!

    5. What you the last piece of clothing you purchased?
    Erm... Other than a shirt & cords (neither of which I really liked, but which a girlfriend of the time 'made' me buy, back in 1993) I don't think I've ever bought myself any clothes. Grandparents, Aunts & Parents, crossed with birthdays & christmasses, has kitted me out very well so far. Should I be really terribly embarassed by that answer do you think?

    6. What colour are your living room walls?

    7. Who is the Doctor?
    Not sure, all I can tell you is that I am the Walrus.

    8. What are your holiday plans for this year?
    We're not going away anywhere, although hopefully some day trips will be in the pipeline for the Summer and for the October halfterm.

    9. What's been your biggest achievement so far this year?
    Do you know, it doesn't seem 5 minutes since Christmas, and I don't really feel I've done anything this year other than simply keep plodding on. To be honest, I think the answer to that question is (and this isn't me getting the violins out, it's just a rare moment of honesty!) probably my biggest achievement this year so far has been managing to have enough food to ensure we're all fed each day, and to have paid enough bills, and in time, to keep things ticking over.

    Well, unless that offer from Playboy for a nude shoot counts as an achievement?

    10. Are you happy?
    I don't think I am really, but... I remember my English teacher once saying that, in his opinion at least, happiness is always one of those things you're not aware of in the present, only in the past. By which he meant, you might look back on a time and think, "Yes, I was happy then" but you don't usually stop and think, "I'm happy NOW". Mind you, some of the answers on this thread already would tend to shoot that argument in the foot!! So I suppose in fact my answer ought to be, I'm sure I could be a lot less happy, but equally I think I could be an awful lot happier, but also I might look back in twelve months time and think, as I lie in the gutter, "Yes, I was happy back then!"

    Er, you were probably just looking for a 'Yes' or a 'No' there weren't you!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom


    1. What are your plans for the weekend?

    Well, on Saturday my Daughter is having a sleepover for her 10th birthday. So we will be preparing the house for her party in the afternoon and then getting ready to be kept awake by a dozen excited 10 year olds. On sunday, I will be doing some much needed gardening.

    2. What was the last live event (ie gig, theatre etc) you went to?

    My wife and I went out for our wedding anniversary a couple of weeks ago and we saw Gareth Gates in Joseph at the Adelphi theatre in London.

    3. What's your favourite city in the UK?

    I haven't actually got one. I live in London and dislike the place immensely. I struggle to find why it is considered trendy. It's dirty, overcrowded and overpriced.

    4. Have you been downloading and listening to the new PS audio season?

    I'm sorry to say that I haven't. I don't do audios as they just don't grab my attention like the TV series does. I could listen to one and still not know what it was about once it was finished. I gave up buying the BBC audios years ago.

    5. What you the last piece of clothing you purchased?

    We are on a bit of a diet at home and the tradmill has come out and been dusted down so I went out last week and bought a new tracksuit.

    6. What colour are your living room walls?


    7. Who is the Doctor?

    David Tennant...for now.

    8. What are your holiday plans for this year?

    We are off to Ibiza in August for a week.

    9. What's been your biggest achievement so far this year?

    I suppose it was completing a task at work that was then adopted and used across the company. I was quite proud of myself for that.

    10. Are you happy?

    I could be happier. We have just taken our house of the market after trying to sell for the last 10 months. We haven't had any viewings since before Christmas and had to let the house we wanted to buy go. We really wanted to move as it would have been better for the kids location wise, but with the way the credit crunch has bitten we have resigned ourselves to staying put for now.
    I’m being extremely clever up here and there’s no one to stand around looking impressed! What’s the point in having you all?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    1. What are your plans for the weekend?
    Mow the grass, watch the Grand Prix Qualifying today, race tomorrow.
    Listen to Blood Money part two. Post on websites. Do a bit of work etc.

    2. What was the last live event (ie gig, theatre etc) you went to?
    Event - Memorabilia. Theatre - Loves Labours Lost @ Stratford. Gig - erm...Doctor Who @ Cardiff for Children in need years ago.

    3. What's your favourite city in the UK?
    London probably, although Edinburgh is nice even if a bit scary at night.

    4. Have you been downloading and listening to the new PS audio season?
    Of course.

    5. What you the last piece of clothing you purchased?
    A new jacket.

    6. What colour are your living room walls?
    Straw...ish on top & a sort of bluey-green.

    7. Who is the Doctor?
    Jon Pertwee keeps telling me he is through that song of his.

    8. What are your holiday plans for this year?
    None. Although we have got 2 days in our favourite hotel booked for September as a 10th Wedding Anniversary treat.

    9. What's been your biggest achievement so far this year?
    Hah! If I said staying alive would I be being too flippant?

    10. Are you happy?
    I could be worse, I could be a lot happier though!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC


    Jon Pertwee keeps telling me he is through that song of his

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    It's interesting to hear people answer the PS Audios question - it's quite understandable people haven't got time to listen to the episodes, everyone has busy lives and so on. But I'd just like to say that the opening episode of "Blood Money" (download) or the opening episode of our new adventure "The Hand Of Peace" (on-line next Saturday) are excellent places to "jump aboard". You could download the episodes with one click, transfer them to a CD or an MP3 player in another ten minutes, then listen to them while ironing or cooking or doing another boring chore! What I mean is, I hope that one day even the people who haven't tried them yet give them a go, or if you've tried them and not found a particular story to your liking, I hope you try a different one. They're free, and I think they're getting better all the time - so you might be surprised.


  22. #22
    Pip Madeley Guest


    Hear hear!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bracknell, Berks


    1. What are your plans for the weekend?

    Well we looked after Steve's Gran at lunchtime yesterday, did some shopping and walking round Watford and today we've been gardening and we're off to my brother's house for a BBQ this evening. Tomorrow might be a nice quiet day.

    2. What was the last live event (ie gig, theatre etc) you went to?

    The Radiophonic Workshop live at the Roundhouse. We're going to see Blur and Franz Ferdinand later this year.

    3. What's your favourite city in the UK?

    After a lovely a visit a few weeks back I've remembered just how much I love Sheffield. So that's very probably my favourite.

    4. Have you been downloading and listening to the new PS audio season?

    Of course. I love being involved and it would be wonderful if more people found the time to listen/ comment on them, but no-one is forcing you of course.

    5. What you the last piece of clothing you purchased?

    I bought a new red checked shirt yesterday.

    6. What colour are your living room walls?


    7. Who is the Doctor?

    Matt Smith!

    8. What are your holiday plans for this year?

    We're planning a Northern England tour as Steve said, but have got precisely nowhere in planning it, so who knows...

    9. What's been your biggest achievement so far this year?

    One of my libraries had an 11% increase in issues this year, which is a huge achievement against the national downturn. I think that's tremendous (and so did my line manager thank goodness!).

    10. Are you happy?


    Si xx

    I've just got my handcuffs and my truncheon and that's enough.

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