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  1. #1
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    Oct 2006

    Default The Adventures of Doctor Who by Simon Hunt

    I was talking to my good friend Jonno at the weekend and mentioned about the Doctor Who stories I used to write when I was less than half my present size. A slight intrigue was shown, along with surprise that I still had all my old stories, which was enough to get me thinking!

    It all started when I joined secondary school. My Dad was head of Physics and in his office he had an ancient BBC Micro and a printer. In the holidays, he used to sometimes bring the computer home and I would play games on it, like Frak or Manic Mole, loaded in from one of the gargantuan discs. There was also a primitive word processor, so of course what I wanted to do was write stories. And what better stories to write than Doctor Who stories.

    I didn't plan, I just tapped out. My stories would begin by featuring the Fourth Doctor, Romana and K9 and they were arranged in episodes of just over a page each in duration. I still have them, but only on those fading reems of computer paper, now over twenty years old. So I've decided to experiment with serialising them, partly because it would be nice to have them saved for posterity, partly because it's quite fun to read back on what my young childish mind came up with in terms of a Doctor Who adventure. Also some of them are now inadvertantly quite amusing in their simplicity.

    So here we go - what this is going to say about Young Me's mind is anyone's guess, but here began my Doctor Who writing fixation, reproduced exactly as written, spelling mistakes, dodgy typesetting and all....


  2. #2
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    Oct 2006


    The Time Controller
    Episode 1

    The winds raged. The sea clapped down on the moonlight sand with an ear splintering crash. Tonight was the night of a battle. One of the two adverseries had set up camp behind some nearby hills.
    "Great night for a war" said Zuse, the leader of the tribe to his second in command. "Oh, it has its disadvantages too." replied Lasaar. "This wind makes attach by sea impossible. Our boats could never steer through this."

    Spinning through the waves of time came the TARDIS. Inside the huge control room, a tall man was at the controls. He wore a big floppy hat and scarf, and a long coat. His brown hair was a mop of curls. Nearby was a small dainty girl wearing a dress and summer hat. She looked up from her book. "Doctor?" she said. "The TARDIS is slowing down."

    "U-h... What?" he said. "You said we wern't going anyway inparticular." said the girl. "Hold on Romana." mumbled the Doctor, his face confused. He held a screwdriver and seemed to be calculating very complex mathematics in his head. The central console time rota rose and then fell, indicating to the travellers that the TARDIS had landed. To both's surprise, the doors opened and in stumbled an unshaven, rugged man, dressed for battle. He wore a tough suit with a helmet and had a sword in his hand. The warrior looked around frightened. He lunged at the Doctor with his sword. Instantly K9, the Doctors robot dog, wheeled in to protect his Master. He fired an energy ray at the man and he fell to the floor.

    "K9." the Doctor said, smiling. "What were you doing? Romana. Help the poor chap up." "Mobarian in species. Possibly technologically advanced." said K9. "No further data available Master."
    "Mobarian?" echoed Romana. "I've never heard of that race before Doctor." "Oh yes." said the Doctor. "Well that's not surprising. They don't exist."
    "Don't exist?" said Romana. "But K9 said..." "Even computers go wrong sometimes Romana." interupted the Doctor. "Wouldn't you say K9?" K9 wheeled round. "I detect no circuit error master. There is insufficient" Romana stepped back. "I think you should examine his circuits Doctor." The Doctor advanced towards K9 with his screwdriver. "Now now that's enough of..." he was cut off. K9 fired a laser beam which narrowly missed the Doctor. "Doctor, let's get out of here" yelled Romana. For once the Doctor obeyed. He and Romana ran out the control room out the TARDIS leaving a manic K9 running round the console. Outside he two companions gazed for the first time at there new landing. Around was a beach and a rough sea. The sky was black. Thunder sounded and rain poured down on the Doctor and Romana. The Doctor locked the TARDIS door and looked to the horizon. He saw soldiers and men fighting. "It looks like a battle." said Romana. "That solder must have been fighting." "I think think." pondered the Doctor. "He staggered injured of harms way. Out of play if you like." "What can we do Doctor?" said Romana. "With K9 in there and a battle out here, we're trapped." "Oh K9 didn't go wrong." said the Doctor. "He was under another's control."

    Romana laughed. "Huh. That's just you're excuse for you messing up his system when you last repaired him!". The Doctor turned to face her angrily. "About fifteen million biocircuitry links are stored in K9. All would have to malfunction for a turn like that." Then the TARDIS door opened and K9 came out. He ran along the beach a way then stopped. Steam rose from his shell. "NOW!" said the Doctor. "Into the TARDIS." The two travellers went inside. The Doctor tried to take off but couldn't. A loud explosion came from the console. The TARDIS shook. The Doctor fell to the floor. Romana screamed. She cowered back as a blurred shape appeared in the control room. It was that off a large figure. Romana shook the doors but they wouldn't open. She tried to wake the Doctor. The large figure was now fully dematerilised and the noise and shaking had stopped. "You will all perish" boomed the voice of the figure. "As the Cybermen destroy the galaxy as you know it."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bracknell, Berks


    Wow! I didn't see that cliffhanger coming!

    Si xx

    I've just got my handcuffs and my truncheon and that's enough.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    There's a clear homage to a line from "The Robots of Death" in there too. Did you spot it?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Reading, England, United Kingdom


    From the 4th paragraph onwards I was expecting it to be the Master. But I like the Cybermen even better!

    Si Hunt,
    Ever thought about making these stories into PS Audios?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Ha! We've discovered before that it's very hard to parody something. You have to be really good to start with. It would be similar to what we tried with "Soap". Besides I wouldn't think everyone else would want to be lumbered with my 11 year old mind's ramblings to perform!

    By the way, the thing about this episode is that the whole business of K9 being under control is just never mentioned again. We never find out why he was spinning round and trying to murder the Doctor!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Maybe you could write a sequel?
    For every fail, there is an equal and opposite win.

    ...Oh, who am I kidding?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Is that a request?


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Here's the second episode!

    The Time Controller
    Episode 2

    "Who is the man with the scarf?" demanded the Cyberman. "He... He's the Doctor." replied Romana. "The Doctor is an enemy to our race. He must be destroyed." boomed the Cyberman. Romana ran past the Cyberman. He raised his weapon to fire. K9 burst in the doors. He fired his stun un at the Cyberman. It burst into flames and sunk to the floor. "Soon more of our race". Romana snatche the Cyberman's gun from his hand and shot him with it. "K9?" she said. "Thank goodness." sighed Romana. "Now let's get off this horrible planet." K9 wheeled between her and the console. "Not advisable." Romana barged past. "Just let's get off here." she said, and pulled the red control lever down.

    Outside a groaning sound echoed round and the blue police box vanished, slowly fading away.

    Back inside, Romana helped the Doctor up. "Oh you've got K9 working again. That's good." said the Doctor. "Now where are we? K9?" "Against my instructions the ship has now left its past position." said K9. "But the Cybermen are still with us." "Cybermen?" said the Doctor. "Still with us?" said Romana. K9 replied, "The interference with my logic circuits and the TARDIS controls was a temporal distraction for the Cybermen. Now it is a moving transport spot for the enemy." Romana stared. "You mean they could start appearing at any moment?" "Unfortunately yes," said the Doctor.

    The sky was blue. The sunshine poured down upon the spherical domes of this advanced world. Robots strode round this technological breakthrough. One robot approached another. "R-E-P-O-R-T!" it schreeched.
    "A-L-L I-S P-E-R-F-E-C-T!" reported the second robot.
    Both spun round to stare at the beautifully trimmed green grass. With a slow wheezing groaning sound a big blue police box appeared. The Doctor immediately appeared, followed by Romana.
    "Where on earth are we Doctor?" she said.
    "I don't know." he replied. "But anywhere will do so long as we get out the TARDIS until I can find a solution to our problem."
    "You can't lumber some poor world with a load of manic Cybermen." said Romana. K9 came out the TARDIS.
    "Danger master. My sensors indicate more Cybermen." he said.

    A robot approached the Doctor. It said,
    "W-E H-A-V-E N-O I-N-T-E-R-E-S-T I-N V-I-S-I-T-O-R-S. L-E-A-V-E I-M-M-E-D-I-A-T-L-Y."
    The Doctor fumbled in his pocket. "Would you like a jelly baby?" he said.
    "N-E-G-A-T-I-V-E. P-O-S-S-E-S-S N-O D-I-G-E-S-T-I-V-E S-Y-S-T-E-M!"
    The Doctor's antics were interrupted by a noise behind him. "Doctor look out!" yelled Romana.

    "Get out of the area!" yelled the Doctor. A Cyberman emerged from the TARDIS. He fired a laser bolt. It hit one of the robot guards.
    "N-N-N-N-O-O-O-A-A-G-H-F-F-T-T-T." it steamed. Then falling to the floor in a mess of black smoke it burst into flames.
    "Hmmm. No self defence eh? Well you'd hardly need it old chap on a..." the Doctor was interupted.
    "Quick Doctor hurry!" said ROmana. The Doctor turned round. He was too late.
    "You will pilot the TARDIS." said the Cyberman, pointing his gun at the Doctor's head.
    "Soon the intergalactic Cyberfleet will be the controllers of time."
    The Cyberman pointed his gun at the second robot and fired. With another huge explosion it blew up. He pointed his gun at Romana.
    "No!" said the Doctor. "Take me instead of her!"
    "That is unneccesary." said the Cyberman. "She will perish, and soon Doctor you will join her."

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    West Sussex


    Romana seems to be channeling NA Ace !!
    Bazinga !

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Reading, England, United Kingdom


    I am literally on the edge of my seat reading this.
    OMG - How can Matt's Smith's Doctor live up to this !!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Here's the final episode!

    The Time Controller
    Episode 3

    Another three Cybermen had appeared in the TARDIS once the Cybermen had ordered the Doctor and Romana into the ship. K9 wheeled round. One of the other Cybermen saw him. K9 was just about to shoot the giant when the Cyberman's gun fired a ray at K9. The robot dog instantly moved, but the Cyberman's ray caught his left side panel. There was a small explosion. K9 stopped. The Doctor leant down over K9. "Get up..." ordered the Cyberleader. "Or I shoot the girl." The Doctor got up. The Cyberman explained his plan.

    "Pilot the TARDIS to Gallifrey. From there we will position Cybertroops in every planet in every time in the galaxy's history. Our forces will rob every planet of all its minerals and deposit them on the new Mondas, our planet. From there we will rule everyone and thing."
    "But you... you can't." ordered the Doctor.
    "Wouldn't it be easier to use our TARDIS?" said Romana.
    "Or use this?" she took out of her pocket a gold bangle.
    "A time ring." muttered the Doctor. "Romana you don't know what..."
    "SILENCE!" boomed the Cyberleader. "This is most reasonable of the girl. For this we shall spare her life."

    Outside on the peaceful planet, unaware of the goings on inside, the people of the planet Rykos were gazing at this strange blue box and the two destroyed robot guards. An elderly man held a gold cylinder against the side of the police box. "My people. It is true." he said.
    "It is indeed a time machine. I fear the Timelords have come to destroy us."
    "But we have no defence against them grandpapa," said a young girl."
    "That's the trouble with a planet that is so perfect. Like ours." chuckled the old man.
    "But the time has come to prepare weapons! To fight!" yelled a young man called Gaytor. "Everyone together against the Timelords!"
    The old man sighed. "That young whippersnapper didn't know the first thing about life. Peace or war."

    Inside the TARDIS the Cybermen were awaiting more of their race. Romana watched as one by one the big silver giants appeared. The Doctor was repairing K9. "The robot dog will have no destructive functions this time." said the Cyberleader. "Make that so and you will be permitted to repair him until the rest of my feet get here... then you will all die."
    Outside the people of Rykos were busy. They were building solid armous shelters and preparing nuclear weapons. A force feild had appeared in the shape of a big transparent bubble around the TARDIS, so no being could depart from it.

    Inside, the last Cyberman slowly demateirilised. The Cyberleader beckoned the Doctor.
    "It is decided...." he was cut off as Romana snatched the gun from a dead Cyberman on the floor and fired. The Cyberleader exploded in a mass of flames. In the confusion the Doctor quickly typed in the controls on the scanner for a new course. Romana fired another bolt at two more Cybermen. "Get out the way!" yelled the Doctor. He pulled Romana aside as she watched in disbelief as the Cybermen slowly vanished.
    "How did you do that Doctor?" she asked. The Doctor smiled.
    "Simple. I found the circuit they were using and reversed it using a coordinator."
    Romana was puzzled. "But where did you get a... K9! Hey, that's neat Doctor. You turned K9 into a coordinator and sent all the Cybermen back where they came from."
    "Stand by. Lets get off this planet Romana." said the Doctor. "I don't think we're welcome." he stared at the screen. All around were guns and weapons.

    Outside, everything was ready. There was a wheezing, groaning sound...
    "No... no don't let them escape!" yelled Gaytor. "FIRE!!!!"
    There was a big boom as the torpedos rocked the land. Dust scattered over the land, just seconds after the TARDIS faded away, spinning off into space, towards another adventure...

    T H E E N D

    2010 Analysis!

    Notes: Rykos is a “perfect world” and therefore has “no defence” against invaders. However, in five minutes they are “building armoured shelters and nuclear weapons” and later there are “guns everywhere”. Romana oddly gives the Cyberleader a Time Ring (from her pocket!) which will simplify his invasion plans. The Doctor gets rid of the Cybermen in two seconds. “I found the circuit they were using and reversed it using a coordinater” he claims. Amusing typing errors: "You will be permitted to repair him until the rest of my feet get here"

    Comments: How do the Cybermen get into the TARDIS? Who takes control of K9 in the first episode and why? Muddled, but quite exciting and impressive for my age, bar the ridiculously simple resolution!


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Reading, England, United Kingdom


    I thought
    Quote Originally Posted by Si Hunt View Post
    "This wind makes attach by sea impossible".
    was the most amusing typo .
    Of course, having now pointed that out, Si will tell us that that was a transcription typo, and not a typo in the original script .

    And yes, whilst the resolution was simple, and Rykos very very quickly created a sea of defences, it was entertaining to read, nevertheless .

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    The way you're going, you're going to get another one. "Raiders From Space" is next.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Philip J Ludlam View Post
    I thought

    Quote Originally Posted by Si Hunt View Post
    "This wind makes attach by sea impossible".
    was the most amusing typo .
    Personally, I think this one is absolutely hilarious:

    Quote Originally Posted by Si Hunt View Post
    you will be permitted to repair him until the rest of my feet get here... then you will all die.
    You get the impression he's been cut off at the knees or something.
    For every fail, there is an equal and opposite win.

    ...Oh, who am I kidding?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    West Sussex


    Great stuff; clearly the young Mr Hunt liked his companions tooled up and not afraid to use them
    Bazinga !

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    It's a brand new story for a new week!

    Raiders In Space
    Episode 1

    "Captain Salarko, Captain Salarko to the main bridge please." boomed the speaker. The Captain who sat at a table playing Chess with his number two, Jonas, looked up.
    "Check-mate old boy... what? Oh damn." said the Captain.
    The whole complex was a ship. A big metal city drifting through space. The ship had enough cargo for its five year two of the galaxy. The Captain left for the bridge.

    The food holds were dark and full of metal boxs. It was pitch black. Something moved. Something with a worm like shape. Then a wheezing groaning sound broke the silence. A big blue metrolopolitan police box appeared from nowhere. Out of it came the Doctor, Romana and K9.
    "Where are we Doctor?" said Romana.
    "In some kind of cellar to a pleasure cruiser." he replied.
    "Shall we pop up on deck and announce our presence?"
    He turned round and glared at his two companions.
    "K9 - we don't want them frightened. You stay here. Romana - you stay too. I'll be back in a minute. I want to have a peep round."
    He vanished up some steps, his scarf trailing behind him.

    Back on deck, the Captain was furious.
    "What do you mean running out? we have twice the neccesary food."
    "I can't understand it either sir. Our food is just dissapearing!"
    "Well there's only one thing for it, we'll have to cut the tour short and head home." said the Captain.
    "It's worse than that sir." replied the number two. "I'm afraid we'll have to find a planet to stock up on food in the next week or we'll all die."

    Back below, Romana heard a sound. "Hello?" she said. "Doctor?". She screamed as a big black slimy hairy worm slithered towards her. "K9!" she yelled. The robot dog came speedily accross the room. He pointed his lasar at the creature and fired. The creature exploded in a cloud of vapour. In the smoke Romana crawled accross the room. On the wall of the dank cellar she spotted an air vent, broken open. She crawled inside hoping it would lead her up on the deck.

    The Doctor wandered down a white corridor. A woman came walking the other way. She looked up and saw him. She walked on, assuming he was another member of the crew. The Doctor came to an opening and then a bar. The room was a busy casino. The Doctor lent over the bar.
    "Good afternoon." he said. "I'm the Doctor."
    "What do you want sir?" said the Barman.
    "Oh, nothing for me. I'll just pop back down to the hold for Romana and K9." he replied. The man looked concerned. WHen the Doctor had gone, he picked up a telephone and spoke discretely.
    "Hello? Main security? Yes? There's some bloke going about. Looks a bit odd. He said he was going to the hold. Tall, scarf and hat. Ta."

    The Doctor came down into the hold. Romana and K9 were nowere to be seen. The Doctor whirled round. Two guards in armour faced him.
    "Ore raider." yelled the first. "Kill him."
    Both fired a high energy ray. It hit the Doctor with an incredible force and he fell to the ground.

    Romana crawled down the pipe. She stopped. A black slimy worm faced her. It crawled up to her. It placed its slimy petrubrances accross her face. It crawled on top of her. It began to suck the life from her body. There was no where to hide, no one to help and Romana was face to face with the horror of death.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    It's actually quite dramatic! The only thing to pick over here is why Romana crawls up an air vent rather than, for example, using the door like the Doctor did.


  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Planet Pop


    We've all had something slimy and worm like suck the life out of us.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Slimy black worms on the loose! Bit of a weird cliffhanger on this episode!

    Raiders in Space
    Episode 2

    The motors to drive the cruiser home, and avoid starvation, started up. "Maximum power!" commanded the Captain.

    In the pipe, the motors revved up. The terrified Slimworm crawled off Romana and away, leaving the white faced unconcious girl for dead. The guards returned to deck.
    "The intruder is dead." one said.
    "Good." replied the Captain. "are you sure there are no more of them?"
    "There was a robotic dog sir." said the other guard. "But he is inside the raiders ship."
    "A robotic dog?" muttered the Captain. "This ship, it wasn't a blue Londen police box...."
    "Tes sir. It was." replied the first gunman.
    "You fools," said the Captain. "On Galifrey he has a fortune reward sitting on him. Fetch his body. We may still get something for the information."

    On the main bridge the pilot Harg turned to face his Captain.
    "Right! Change of plan. Head east to Gallifrey." he said.
    "But sir," said Harg. "With the present food shortage..."
    "It doesn't matter." said the Captain. "Gallifrey will be so grateful with the little cargo I have for them they will supply us with all the food we want!"
    A guard burst in, "Captain the Timelord... has vanished"
    "What? You incompetant... Damn!" said the Captain. "Of course, one of your crummy photon guns wouldn't even affect a lord of time! Find him. Find him at once. But don't damage him."

    Romana crawled out the end of the pipe and into a long corridor. She felt dizzy. "K9?" she called. Inside the TARDIS the robot dogs sensitive scanner picked up her calls. He began to home in on the signals as he left the celler. No sooner had he left than a slimy black slimworm crawled out the shadows and into a nearby food storage container. The small nimble K9 swiftly wheeled down the corridor to greet the staggering Romana.
    "Check scan completed Mistress. No perminant damage. Possible concussion and dizziness." he said.
    "Thank you," she said. "I don't think the doc... what the?". The ship shook and juddered. The roar of the engines increased. Romana felt to the floor. K9 steadied himself.
    "Spacecraft has landed Mistress." he said.

    The Doctor made his way back to the TARDIS. He opened a food crate. The food was mostly missing but the remains of the boxs that were left had been nibbled and were covered in black slime. He opened two more boxes and they were all the same. He slowly began to open another box. Little did he know the hungary slimworm was still inside...

    "Where are we K9?" said Romana. But K9 had picked up another signal. He raced off down the corridor.
    "K9 do you... K9?" Romana yelled after him. She wandered down into a docking hall. A mechanic door marked the way onto the planet.
    "We have just landed on Gallifrey Captain." said Harg. "Have your men found the Timelord?"
    "No." said the Captain, "But his TARDIS should fetch a few million in itself."
    Back below, the Doctor was just about to open the crate when K9 came in.
    "No Master. Do not touch." he said. The Doctor turned to face the ship. The TARDIS was covered in black slime.
    "We've got to do something." he said. "If the TARDIS loses enough energy to become inoperable then we'll die, with the rest of the crew."

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    You never got the conclusion to this story!


  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Downstairs by the PC


    I think we assumed Pamela Nash had done for it...

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    I think we'd have heard if Ian Levine had been round to try and save the rest of it...

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