That's a very good question. We've not used sub-forums at PS before and they might look a bit odd at first. Especially this lobby bit which appears to exist entirely by mistake.

"Planet Skaro Goes Back..." will hopefully run for years and cover the greatest and least greatest seasons that Old and New Who have to offer. Each time we start a new season we'll create a new sub-forum like the one you can see for Season 18. To stop those cluttering up the front page of the forum they're housed inside "PSGB..." as sub-forums. They still work in exactly the same way as regular forums and you can click the link on the front page to go straight in to Season 18 if you prefer.

This lobby isn't open for posting at the moment as it's mainly for things like this. But when we near the end of Season 18 and are looking for your suggestions for which season to cover next, this bit will magically open and you'll be able to help decide which we'll all be going back to next.