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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bracknell, Berks

    Default 10 Random Questions

    We've not had one of these threads for a while, so i present 10 random questions for you to answer:

    1. What's your favourite ABBA song?
    2. What's the best way to eat potatoes?
    3. What's the best thing you've ever won?
    4. Which Doctor Who actor would you like to come to your next birthday party & why?
    5. Which song mwould you have the last encore at the conecrt of your life? (Steve thought this one up!)
    6. Do you wear a watch?
    7. Do you like thunder storms?
    8. What's your opinion on cats as pets?
    9. How do you sleep?
    10. What have you got to offer?

    Si xx

    I've just got my handcuffs and my truncheon and that's enough.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    1. What's your favourite ABBA song?

    I Do I Do I Do I Do I Do

    2. What's the best way to eat potatoes?

    Savoury wedges. They're chips for classy people.

    3. What's the best thing you've ever won?

    £75 for an SQL query that people think will help prevent FRAUD~!

    4. Which Doctor Who actor would you like to come to your next birthday party & why?

    Nick Briggs. No, seriously. I love the BF podcasts and (without wanting this to sound insulting) I wouldn't be in awe of him like I would be with a Courtney, Baker or Gillan.

    5. Which song would you have the last encore at the concert of your life? (Steve thought this one up!)

    "Hello, I Must Be Going" as sung by Groucho Marx in 'Animal Crackers'.

    6. Do you wear a watch?

    I do and I don't understand those who don't.

    7. Do you like thunder storms?

    If they have the courtesy to be at a convenient time, yes.

    8. What's your opinion on cats as pets?

    Selfish flap-hoggers.

    9. How do you sleep?

    Not as well as I'd like to.

    10. What have you got to offer?

    I'm the only person in the building that can write the query, import it into Business Objects and schedule it to ping itself out automatically without all that tedious mucking about with DBAs and $U.
    Dennis, Francois, Melba and Smasher are competing to see who can wine and dine Lola Whitecastle and win the contract to write her memoirs. Can Dennis learn how to be charming? Can Francois concentrate on anything else when food is on the table? Will Smasher keep his temper under control?

    If only the 28th century didn't keep popping up to get in Dennis's way...


    The eleventh annual Brenty Four serial is another Planet Skaro exclusive. A new episode each day until Christmas in the Brenty Four-um.

  3. #3


    1. What's your favourite ABBA song?

    Not a massive ABBA fan. From what I've heard, I've heard enough, but "Waterloo" if I really really push myself.

    2. What's the best way to eat potatoes?

    Peeled and cooked.

    3. What's the best thing you've ever won?

    A trophy from Primary School for making excellent effort (despite not winning anything) in a Primary School sports race which years later a friend emotionally blackmailed me into destroying it. He still to this day thinks he was in the right to do so and I'm amazed I'm still friends with him!

    4. Which Doctor Who actor would you like to come to your next birthday party & why?

    Sylvester McCoy as I feel I can relate to him better than Tom or any companion alive or dead.

    5. Which song mwould you have the last encore at the conecrt of your life? (Steve thought this one up!)

    Some Of Us Are Old by Brian Eno.

    6. Do you wear a watch?

    Not anymore, still haven't taken it in to get strap repaired but tell time on my mobile phone now.

    7. Do you like thunder storms?

    Yeah, but feel I have to talk through them unless it happens when I'm in bed in which case, sleep them off. I'm amazed I can condition myself to sleep through thunderstorms.

    8. What's your opinion on cats as pets?

    The best friends I've ever had.

    9. How do you sleep?

    1 anti-depressant Mirtazapine tablet and then bit on right side, turn over to left side then back to right.

    10. What have you got to offer?

    A backlog of poetry and a spare roll up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    1. What's your favourite ABBA song?

    Well, for a few months I was subjected to a constant stream of Hasta Manana due to my sister's new record player (we're very old-fashioned in this house), so I reckon I'll plump for that.

    2. What's the best way to eat potatoes?

    Mashed like whipped cream.

    3. What's the best thing you've ever won?

    A spelling competition in Year 8. The prize was a giant slab of Dairy Milk Caramel.

    4. Which Doctor Who actor would you like to come to your next birthday party & why?

    Karen Gillian. Do I need to explain why?

    5. Which song would you have the last encore at the concert of your life? (Steve thought this one up!)

    "We Are" by Hiroshi Kitadani.

    6. Do you wear a watch?

    I used to...but I lost it.

    7. Do you like thunder storms?

    No. They mess with the telly.

    8. What's your opinion on cats as pets?

    I'm in favour of them.

    9. How do you sleep?

    It takes me a while, but after that, very deeply.

    10. What have you got to offer?

    Mad skills at Premiere Pro CS5.
    For every fail, there is an equal and opposite win.

    ...Oh, who am I kidding?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC


    1. What's your favourite ABBA song?
    Our Last Summer. I even think the version Colin Firth did in Mamma Mia was very good, although Zel always scoffs at me when I say that.

    2. What's the best way to eat potatoes?
    Roast - even better, roast with mint sauce. Although I feel obliged to add that The Best Potatoes I've ever had were what I think are called creamed potatoes, at a cafe called The Coffee Bean in Helston during the 1980s.

    3. What's the best thing you've ever won?
    A model of the Enterprise - it was the runner-up prize in a 2000AD competition (winning prize was the Enterprise plus a Klingon ship) in about 1979. I can still remember coming home from school at lunchtime and finding an unexpected parcel had arrived for me!! I still have it, and occasionally bore anybody who'll listen with the above anecdote.

    4. Which Doctor Who actor would you like to come to your next birthday party & why?
    In an ideal world, where I wouldn't be in awe and where I'd easily hold my own on the 'entertaining anecdote & life of the party' front - Terrance Dicks.

    5. Which song would you have the last encore at the concert of your life? (Steve thought this one up!)
    Oh Steve, it's a tricky one!! Probably the 'Goodbye' song from Not Only But Also - or maybe 'Hello' by Neil Diamond.

    6. Do you wear a watch?
    No. When I was in Primary School I used to wear one, but it kept stopping - because, so I'm told, of excess static electricity in my arm. So I kind of got out of the habit. Now I tell the time by looking at the clock, or the Sky Planner, or by annoying anybody around me by forever asking them what the time is.

    7. Do you like thunder storms?
    Ye-es. In fact, absolutely yes, but with the one qualifier that one of the downsides to growing up and becoming an adult is that instead of just lying back and enjoying the sheer fury of it, you find yourself thinking "I hope none of our tiles get blown off" and "I hope we don't get a power surge that'll fry the modem". I really hate thinking about the possibilities. But in principle, yes, it's glorious to hear & see a storm raging.

    8. What's your opinion on cats as pets?
    I like 'em. And my five cats would agree with that I think. They're certainly a lot less work than bloomin' dogs!!

    9. How do you sleep?
    It constantly surprises me but, very soundly indeed. And not just in bed at night, more often than not I doze off on the settee after tea.

    10. What have you got to offer?
    A model of the starship Enterprise, and an exciting anecdote to go with it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    1. What's your favourite ABBA song?

    Um, I'm not sure I've got one. They're fun enough for a short while, but grate on me if subjected to for too long. At a push, Waterloo I guess.

    2. What's the best way to eat potatoes?

    Chips - They're chips for unclassy people!

    3. What's the best thing you've ever won?

    Bruce Lee on the Commodore 64, thanks to Zzap magazine. Man, I loved that game, and it was one of the few I've ever completed.

    4. Which Doctor Who actor would you like to come to your next birthday party & why?

    Sophia Myles. I've loved her long time.

    5. Which song would you have the last encore at the concert of your life? (Steve thought this one up!)

    The cast of Twin Peaks singing the 12 Days of Christmas. Think I'm mad? Well download it here and think again!

    6. Do you wear a watch?

    No, and funnily enough only this morning I was wondering why not. And I couldn't come up with a good reason. That said, after having not worn one for over a decade, I'm quite good at naturally knowing what the time roughly is.

    7. Do you like thunder storms?

    Meh, occasionally, as long as I'm inside on a cold and windy winter's night, but it wouldn't affect me if I never witnessed one again.

    8. What's your opinion on cats as pets?

    Some cats are ace, but I'd say it's only about 37%, and the rest are pretty goddarn rubbish. Dogs are definitely better.

    9. How do you sleep?

    Not quickly enough. Though at least when I am asleep I can pretty much sleep through anything.

    10. What have you got to offer?

    Pretty great taste in obscure comedy. But that's about it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    1. What's your favourite ABBA song?

    "Super Trouper". I actually used to dislike it until about 6 months ago and then I suddenly got it - the lovely poignancy in the verses, and the beautiful way the backing vocals tell their own part of the story. "Sometimes I feel I'm going crazy..."

    2. What's the best way to eat potatoes?

    I don't think you can really beat chips, can you?

    3. What's the best thing you've ever won?

    A full-size cardboard K9! My Mum's face when I brought it home from a Doctor Who convention was priceless. When we moved house, it stayed in the loft where, to the best of my knowledge, it still resides.

    4. Which Doctor Who actor would you like to come to your next birthday party & why?

    If we're allowed the element of time travel, then William Hartnell. I think he was so marvellous and it really bugs me that he seemed to go through so much to get the show started and never really got the appreciation he deserved, being booted out after three years and then losing his mind. So I'd really like to just meet him and say "look at us. 50 years on, and we're still loving what you did. Thank you."

    5. Which song mwould you have the last encore at the conecrt of your life? (Steve thought this one up!)

    I think "The Show Must Go On" would be fitting.

    6. Do you wear a watch?

    No, and I don't understand people who do. If I want to know the time, I'll look in the corner of my computer screen.

    7. Do you like thunder storms?

    Yes I do. There's something cosy about running for cover from the rain and then sheltering inside. Thunder reminds us that we arn't Kings of this planet as we think we are - we're just small creatures cowering below the mighty force of nature.

    8. What's your opinion on cats as pets?

    I like cats. At least they don't leap out at you when you walk past them and bark. That said, there's something uncomfortable about the way they never fully repay your love. If they love you back, it's as and when they want to. It's always on the cats terms.

    9. How do you sleep?

    I read something for about 10 minutes, get comfortable, and start thinking about something nice.

    10. What have you got to offer?

    I always keep calm and carry on. And great legs.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC


    When we moved house, it stayed in the loft where, to the best of my knowledge, it still resides.
    Sounds like K9 & company, Si - maybe your Aunt will bring it downstairs for you at Christmas...

    but I'd say it's only about 37%
    That's a very specific figure, Alex, I can only assume you've been conducting some rigorous research before posting on this thread. That's very impressive!

  9. #9


    1.Whats your favourite ABBA song?

    One Of Us

    2.What's the best way to eat potatoes?

    Mashed,and creamy,preferably with grated cheese

    3.What's the best thing you've ever won?

    Tickets to Wimbledon,many years ago.I've been going ever since

    4.Which Doctor Who actor would you like to come to your next birthday party and why?

    I've got a soft spot for Catherine Tate,plus she would be good comedy value

    5.Which song would you have as the encore at the concert of your life?

    Together In Electric Dreams

    6.Do you wear a watch?

    Only for work

    7.Do you like thunder storms?

    Yes provided I'm not caught in them

    8.What's your opinion on cats as pets?

    I have 3 and they are low maintenance for the most part

    9.How do you sleep?

    Easily usually,although waking up at 5am for work most days may contribute to this...

    10.What have you got to offer?

    A smile and a sarcastic comment usually!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew Curnow View Post
    Sounds like K9 & company, Si - maybe your That's a very specific figure, Alex, I can only assume you've been conducting some rigorous research before posting on this thread. That's very impressive!
    Thank you, it's nice to be appreciated! That was based on a survey of over 2018 cats, so I'm pretty sure the results are accurate.

    A full-size cardboard K9! My Mum's face when I brought it home from a Doctor Who convention was priceless. When we moved house, it stayed in the loft where, to the best of my knowledge, it still resides.
    What was your old address? I'm prepared to break in and get it back for you if I get part time custody!
    "RIP Henchman No.24."

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Way under, down under.


    1. What's your favourite ABBA song?

    Ring Ring - I edited it and used it as a ringtone for a while (the chorus)

    2. What's the best way to eat potatoes?

    Potato scones - yum

    3. What's the best thing you've ever won?

    A Warhammer 40,000 starter set at Games Workshop - me and Cameron left the shop and did a jumping high-5!

    4. Which Doctor Who actor would you like to come to your next birthday party & why?

    Got to be a female companion wearing little but a bow to unwrap. Erm ... but which one ...

    Possibly Catherine Tate, cos I'm not a complete dirty old man, and I think I'd genuinely get on with her. Being bipolar, I seem naturally drawn to others with mental health issues ...

    5. Which song would you have the last encore at the concert of your life? (Steve thought this one up!)

    Crazy Man Michael by Fairport Convention. Or perhaps Reynardine. It'd be hard though, cos I'd insist Sandy Denny should sing them, and she's been dead for 30 years ...

    6. Do you wear a watch?

    Nope - I'm a disaster-zone for watches - they've never lasted more than a month before they die.

    7. Do you like thunder storms?

    Yes - they feel nicely cosy when you're indoors. Hate them when I'm in the car ...

    8. What's your opinion on cats as pets?

    I'm pretty sure that Darwins Theory of Evolution cannot explain them.

    9. How do you sleep?

    Recently since moving into our house in Wainui - really well. I've only had about 3 bouts of insomnia all year. Long may it continue.

    I do think though the five minutes before I fall asleep would disturb most people - my mind goes some horrid and dispairing places before it settles.

    10. What have you got to offer?

    Dunno if there's anything I really excel in. I do pretty much try my hand at anything - and prepared to have a laugh doing it.

    When for our company retreat we had to design a dress, and I had to model it, my boss says I looked horrified at the prospect, but really threw myself into it. That kind of sums me up ...
    Remember, just because Davros is dead doesn't mean the Dalek menace has been contained ......

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bracknell, Berks


    1. What's your favourite ABBA song?

    One of Us. A beautiful melancholy song and their last great hit.

    2. What's the best way to eat potatoes?

    Mashed with butter and a drop of milk. Yum!

    3. What's the best thing you've ever won?

    The Target book of Full Circle in a Target Books competition.

    4. Which Doctor Who actor would you like to come to your next birthday party & why?

    Lalla Ward. She's bring a touch of class to the proceedings.

    5. Which song would you have the last encore at the concert of your life? (Steve thought this one up!)

    I'm going out with Distant Sun by Crowded House (what? you guessed? Never!)

    6. Do you wear a watch?

    Yes. I managed a few years without but I did miss it. I have a lovely one Steve bought for me now.

    7. Do you like thunder storms?

    Yes. I love the awesome power of them. We don't get many here though.

    8. What's your opinion on cats as pets?

    I'm not a huge cat fan I'm afraid.

    9. How do you sleep?

    Lightly- which is a pain, as I tend to wake up fairly easily and find it hard to sleep if there's lots of noise around me.

    10. What have you got to offer?

    Excellent people skills, an optimistic outlook on life and a massive Doctor Who collection.

    Si xx

    I've just got my handcuffs and my truncheon and that's enough.

  13. #13
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    Oct 2006


    Including that rare "Wheel in Space" hardback. it's your personality skills I admire the most Si, honest!


  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Bracknell, Berks


    Oh I see. No, that's fine. That's just fine.

    Si xx

    I've just got my handcuffs and my truncheon and that's enough.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    1. What's your favourite ABBA song?
    Money Money Money.

    2. What's the best way to eat potatoes?

    3. What's the best thing you've ever won?
    Money...there's a theme developing.

    4. Which Doctor Who actor would you like to come to your next birthday party & why?
    Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee or Tom Baker. They'd be brilliantly entertaining I suspect.

    5. Which song mwould you have the last encore at the conecrt of your life? (Steve thought this one up!)
    J.S.Bach's Tocata & Fugue in D minor. Possibly my favourite piece of music ever.

    6. Do you wear a watch?
    Not any more, no. But sometimes I will if I'm going out.

    7. Do you like thunder storms?
    Love them.

    8. What's your opinion on cats as pets?
    They are ok. Selfish but funny sometimes. The ones around here aren't mine but 1 of them thinks he belongs to me.

    9. How do you sleep?
    Like the dead usually. Although if I sleep too heavy I wake up with horrendous back ache. Sometimes I have to listen to my CD walkman to get off to sleep.

    10. What have you got to offer?
    What do you want?

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