Hello my learn'd and scholalry friends. As literally three of you know, in my day job I manage our university's open access research archive. As luck would have it an academic scientist friend of mine recently published in a whole book on Doctor Who & philosophy

Doctor Who and Philosophy Bigger on the Inside

What's more exciting is I've managed to get a copy of his chapter cleared for open access and readable for all!

Green, B; Willmott, C.J.R. ‘“Ain’t We All the Same? Underneath, Ain’t We All Kin?” Humans, Daleks and the Species Problem in Doctor Who’ in Lewis, C.; Smithka, P. (ed.) Doctor Who and Philosophy: Bigger on the Inside (Vol. 55 in the Popular Culture and Philosophy series), (© Carus Publishing Company, 2010), pp. 92-110

https://lra.le.ac.uk/handle/2381/9141 <-----just in case the above linkage doesn't work

Now I just need lots of downloads to drive this to top of our monthly statistics and to cause our Vice-Chancellor to look utterly baffled Click away...