View Poll Results: What do you think of ...ish?

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  • 5: Really Good

    0 0%
  • 4: Good

    4 57.14%
  • 3: Neither Bad nor Good

    2 28.57%
  • 2: Bad

    0 0%
  • 1: Really Bad

    1 14.29%
Results 1 to 12 of 12
  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bracknell, Berks

    Default The BF Time Warp 035: ...ish

    A conference of lexicographers: bromides in tweed. But the leading expert in the field is found dead by her own hand - and by her hologlyphic assistant. Is he responsible? Does the death fit any conventional definitions? Can the Doctor realise who wrote the suicide note and why, exactly, it was riddled with spelling errors?

    Peri should help out, but there's a guy. Someone who loves language even more than the Doctor. Maybe, she realises, enough to kill for. Or perhaps just enough to ask her out to dinner. Unless, of course, he's already spoken for...

    Is it madness? Seeking transcendence in the complete lexicon? Having the right words on teh tip of your tongue but never quite knowing when to use them?

    If so, how?

    What do you make of the word play in this play? Is it a favourite of yours?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    I really like this story. I love the idea of language being like an evolving organism with ish being very free radical like. It's also a story really suits the wordy sixth Doctor perfectly. When everyone starts repeating ish over and over its really creepy.
    So a thumbs up from me. Although I suspect I might be in a minority.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom


    ...ish? ...err...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Newtown, Australia


    The last three tracks of my version are corrupted- and I was strangely not bothered.

    Interesting concept and some fun characters.

    Oooh, coconut macaroons!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    ...ish is in my bottom 3 Big Finish's. Words as currency is ludicrous but the idea of a creature that can possess people through language is an excellent one, shame the rest of the play lets that idea down for me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    It's quite a long play and reasonably hard work, but I have to say on repeat listening it's quite challenging and not the most unrewarding play. The Doctor and Peri fit well into the surroundings of a University campus, and there are some very imaginative concepts on display here. One that needs working at, but it's by no means as bad as you might remember.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom


    That's the problem - I don't remember a thing about this play, apart from Colin's line 'A Sausage!'

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    It did come out about 8 years ago. Maybe you should give it a re-listen...


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bracknell, Berks


    Lovely cover!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Newtown, Australia


    OK, I've finished it now, and rated it as Good.

    Mainly because I only think I've understood it, and will need to give it another listen.

    That's a good thing, in my book.

    Oooh, coconut macaroons!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Atlanta, GA


    Big Finish are often at their best when they do something that could only be done on audio. Whispers of Terror is a perfect example of this. ...Ish is another example. Don't get me wrong, it's not perfect, but it's something that could've only been done in this medium, and it works quite well.

    Firstly, there's the undeniable fact that this play is very intelligent. Phil Pascoe's manipulation of the English language throughout this play is just marvellous. He gives the Sixth Doctor some wonderful sentences, giving Colin the opportunity to play the character with a wonderful arrogance that's fitting of the play's placement between Seasons 22 & 23. He absolutely masters all the difficult language that he's given, seemingly revelling in it. And much as I love the Seventh Doctor, it's difficult to imagine Sylv pulling this off with the same aplomb. Naturally, Pascoe gives the play his own voice, and we hear the Doctor rant about Peri's colonialisms at one point in the play, to much amusement. Talking of Peri, the setting is just perfect - they seem to have got beyond the petty bickering of Season 22, and have fallen into what we can recognise as the friendlier relationship that we saw during The Mysterious Planet.

    Beyond all the flowery language, there are a lot of really great ideas here. The notion of language as a currency, where people attempt to steal words. Or of a hologlyph that is a linguistic terrorist, being used as a pawn by one of the aforementioned word thieves. Or there's even intelligent language, as represented by the "ish" creature, which infects the speech centres of the brain, preventing people from saying anything beyond "ish" - causing aphasia, the inability to use language. In a play all about words, surely the most terrifying prospect? The character of Book is a fantastic creation, too - mostly benign, but utterly creepy, too.

    There are a lot of laugh out loud moments here (particularly the censored conversation between Peri and Cawdrey), but there are also a lot of wonderful little in-jokes in here - the part where the Doctor "speaks" Delphon, the "DAL" dictionary reference, or even the fact that everyone speaks English, no matter where the TARDIS lands (something that'll be addressed in the new series). All of this goes to make this play quite rewarding for those that listen carefully. And you really do need to listen to this play closely to get anything out of it - but I can't help but feel that the style and presentation are a lot more convoluted than the story itself (much like Ghost Light). And for that, it loses a point.

    I know that that flies in the face of what is often considered to be established opinion. But this play is intelligent, clever and witty. And not to mention extremely diverse. Phil Pascoe weaves a fantastic play around the English language, getting the rapport of the Sixth Doctor and Peri absolutely perfect. Of course it has its flaws, but to me this is pretty damned good. 4/5 from me!

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  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    London UK


    I didn't like this the first time I heard it, I lost track of the plot at some point in part 3 but this is a story you have to pay attention to. But I persevered and gave a second go and was able to follow the plot all the way to the finish...ish...ish..ish...ish.

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