The Temple of Secrets is the adult forum of Planet Skaro. As it may well contain mature content and discussion inappropriate to minors, it has been password protected.

The Temple of Secrets forum has four main rules:

* Users of The Temple of Secrets forum must be 18 years of age or older;
* Users of The Temple of Secrets forum must have over 100 posts
* Users of The Temple of Secrets forum must adhere to all the normal rules of Planet Skaro - no swearing, and no pornography (or links to pornography)
* Users of The Temple of Secrets forum must not share the forum's password with anyone who does not have access to The Temple of Secrets.

If you are interested in accessing The Temple of Secrets section, please follow this instruction:

* Send a private message to either Anthony Williams or Si Hunt. One of them will then get in touch with you to give you the password for The Temple of Secrets.

You will then have access to The Temple of Secrets. Please note that upon ANY violation of these terms will result in immediate suspension of your account from Planet Skaro. This includes ANYONE who we learn is under the age of 18, despite stating through the use of this password that they are of age 18 or over (a term/condition of entry).

Anthony Williams
Chief Administrator