As we look into our first predominantly missing season here on PS, I think it's about time that we discussed the various reconstructions that people have made of stories in this season. I mean, they've already been mentioned on The Power of the Daleks thread.

Recons of almost all the episodes in this season are available in some form or another, in variable quality. I say "almost all", because the odd episodes that still exist haven't been made into recons. Aside from The Underwater Menace 2, for obvious reasons.

Anyway, for years, recons were the territory of a semi-professional group of fans. However, with the greater access to resources via the internet and cheaper video-editing software that has occurred over the last ten or so years, there are an increasing number of fan-made productions out there. Some are cartoons, some CGI, some telesnap recons and some a combination of all three. Some have unedited audio, while some use the BBC narrated versions (naughty, naughty!)

So, at we want to know... what are your favourite recons? Do you think a particular story in this season has been done particularly well? Do you have a favourite type?

Finally, we want to know what you think the advantages and disadvantages of recons are...