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  1. #51
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Sunny Ayrshire


    Last call for Series 6...the results will be posted tonight

    Time to move on now, though to

    Series 7

    Marks out of 10 please for...

    Asylum Of The Daleks
    Dinosaurs On A Spaceship
    A Town Called Mercy
    The Power Of Three
    The Angels Take Manhattan
    The Snowmen
    The Bells Of St John
    The Rings Of Akhaten
    Cold War
    Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS
    The Crimson Horror
    Nightmare In Silver
    Name Of The Doctor

    and the specials...

    Night Of The Doctor
    (and why not? It may be only 5 minutes or so but it's still an official entry in the series)
    Day Of The Doctor
    Time Of The Doctor
    Last edited by MacNimon; 9th Jul 2014 at 6:58 PM. Reason: Spelling!

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Airstrip One


    Asylum Of The Daleks 7/10
    Dinosaurs On A Spaceship 9/10
    A Town Called Mercy 7/10
    The Power Of Three 8/10
    The Angels Take Manhatten 7/10
    The Snowmen 7/10
    The Bells Of St John 8/10
    The Rings Of Akhaten 6/10
    Cold War 6/10
    Hide 8/10
    Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS 6/10
    The Crimson Horror 9.5/10
    Nightmare In Silver 9/10
    Name Of The Doctor 9.5/10

    and the specials...

    Day Of The Doctor 7/10
    Time Of The Doctor 9/10
    “If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” - Gutle Schnaper Rothschild

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bracknell, Berks


    Asylum Of The Daleks 5
    Dinosaurs On A Spaceship 8
    A Town Called Mercy 7
    The Power Of Three 6
    The Angels Take Manhatten 3
    The Snowmen 8
    The Bells Of St John 9
    The Rings Of Akhaten 4
    Cold War 7
    Hide 8
    Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS 5
    The Crimson Horror 8
    Nightmare In Silver 6
    Name Of The Doctor 7

    and the specials...

    Night of the Doctor 9
    Day Of The Doctor 10
    Time Of The Doctor 9

    I've just got my handcuffs and my truncheon and that's enough.

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Asylum Of The Daleks 4
    Dinosaurs On A Spaceship 1

    ..... stopped watching......

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Sunny Ayrshire


    Quote Originally Posted by Wayne View Post
    Asylum Of The Daleks 4
    Dinosaurs On A Spaceship 1

    ..... stopped watching......

  6. #56
    Join Date
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    Sunny Ayrshire


    The Series 6 Results are now up here

    Asylum Of The Daleks
    3/10 Dull - still trying to forget about last season
    Dinosaurs On A Spaceship 2/10 - this didn't help things any...forgettable
    A Town Called Mercy 2/10 - this would have been better if they'd simply ripped off Westworld...but they didn't
    The Power Of Three 4/10 Can't even remember what this was about...although I remember it being more enjoyable than the last few
    The Angels Take Manhattan 5/10 This was better...but then they had to spoil it with that Statue Of Liberty Angel
    The Snowmen 7/10 This was the first episode that I had really enjoyed for some considerable time...the unexpected (by me, at any rate) return of the Great Intelligence was a nice bonus
    The Bells Of St John 5/10 Normal service resumes
    The Rings Of Akhaten 1/10 One of the poorest stories of them all...dull
    Cold War 6/10 Much better, but could have been much more so...a lost opportunity
    Hide 8/10 If they could make them as good as this each week, this could be a great series once again
    Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS 5/10 Again, a missed opportunity...could have been so much better
    The Crimson Horror 6/10 Enjoyable, but if they had just told it in a straightforward chronological way rather than revealing stuff in flashback...again, could have been so much better. Frustrating.
    Nightmare In Silver 5/10 I can't actually remember too much about this, but it wasn't memorably bad or good...
    Name Of The Doctor 8/10 Great clips,an interesting story for once and a great cliffhanger.

    and the specials...

    Night Of The Doctor 10/10 The highlight of the year for me. It didn't have a long enough running time for padding, and filled in an important gap in Who history. No-one needs to rate this one if they don't wish to...but my single score currently makes it the Best Story Ever...
    Day Of The Doctor 9/10 I saw this on the big screen in 3D but haven't watched it again since. Great fun, it did what was needed to celebrate the series past and try to give us a clean slate for the future.
    Time Of The Doctor 8/10 A little bit of a let-down after the previous few installments, but a much better send-off for Matt than what Tennant got a few years earlier.

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Night Of The Doctor 7

    I did watch this.

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Asylum Of The Daleks 8/10
    Dinosaurs On A Spaceship 10/10
    A Town Called Mercy 7/10
    The Power Of Three 1/10
    The Angels Take Manhattan 1/10
    The Snowmen 8/10
    The Bells Of St John 6/10
    The Rings Of Akhaten 1/10
    Cold War 2/10
    Hide 9/10
    Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS 8/10
    The Crimson Horror 1/10
    Nightmare In Silver 7/10
    Name Of The Doctor 2/10

    and the specials...

    Night Of The Doctor 7/10 (and why not? It may be only 5 minutes or so but it's still an official entry in the series)
    Day Of The Doctor 8/10
    Time Of The Doctor 5/10
    Last edited by Darren; 9th Jul 2014 at 11:15 PM. Reason: Completely got confused with the Hide episode. Have just elevated it from 1 to 9.

  9. #59
    Join Date
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    Downstairs by the PC


    Definitely a season of two halves for me this one...

    Asylum Of The Daleks 7/10
    Victim of its own "every Dalek ever" hype, but that apart it's quite a nice little Dalek tale.

    Dinosaurs On A Spaceship 10/10
    This is just how I like my Who - if only they'd had the technology/budget to do this one in 1979!! Such a romp, but still with its dark moments. Just brilliant.

    A Town Called Mercy 8/10
    Not everyone's cup of tea I know, but I really like this; the central dilemma, when Karla Jax (sp?) tells the Doctor "It would be so much easier if I was one thing or the other" is a really intriguing one - and it's a lovely performance from Adrian Scarborough, being nice enough for us to like him, but not so nice that we can't believe he has a dark past. Matt is in fine form as well (of course!!)

    The Power Of Three 6/10
    Could have scored higher, as I enjoy much of this one a great deal... but then it loses its way completely when the boxes open and the 'plot' kicks in. The story starts to fall apart, the characters start behaving like idiots, and the resolution is for once genuinely all down to the sonic. Shame.

    The Angels Take Manhattan 7/10
    Similarly, this would have scored higher if I liked River Song. Even so, mainly for the sadness of seeing Amy & Rory go, and also for Matt & Karen's acting, it's a good one.

    The Snowmen 8/10
    The 'fairy tale' feel suits this one, and suits Matt, very well. A nicely paced, seasonal delight. And the death of Clara a real surprise twist.

    The Bells Of St John 7/10
    It's a bit dull, but OK - and Celia Imrie is really rather good.

    The Rings Of Akhaten 4/10
    Another story which I really really enjoy... until the plot starts up and ruins things!! I don't much like the Doctor's speech either, sorry.

    Cold War 4/10
    I would have thought it impossible to make a story set in a stranded, sunk submarine with a marauding alien on board that was lacking in tension. Yet here it is. For all the drama they get out of the situation, it might as well have been set in the queue at the Post Office.

    Hide 6/10
    Better than those around it, but I'm not sure of itself it's all that (although the guest actors, especially Dougray Scott (is that his name?) are very good). And it may be petty, but "Metebelis" still rankles!!

    Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS 4/10
    Has ever such an exciting title been linked to such a disappointing tale?

    The Crimson Horror 9/10
    At last, the best story of this second half of the season, by a huge gap. Another season 17-esqu story in places, nuff said!!

    Nightmare In Silver 4/10
    Stick to the books, Neil

    Name Of The Doctor 7/10
    An enjoyable season finale... except it doesn't really feel like it ends properly, and it IS very 'talky' - I'm not sure how many 8 year olds would particularly enjoy this.

    and the specials...
    Night Of The Doctor 8/10
    To be fair, if they'd bunged 5 minutes of anything up with McGann in it, we'd have been pretty excited wouldn't we. The script is nice enough, but I think the main joy and thrill of this one is simply the presence, and then the regeneration, of Dr 8.

    Day Of The Doctor 10/10
    Moffat's finest hour-and-a-bit. Just when you think it can't get any better, Tom Baker turns up!!

    Time Of The Doctor 7/10
    Disappointing after 'Day of...' but it's not too bad. It certainly fits with the Matt Smith/Moffat era, and Mr Smith certainly gives an extraordinary final performance.

  10. #60
    Join Date
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    Airstrip One


    I'll vote on Night Of The Doctor if we can include The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot.
    “If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” - Gutle Schnaper Rothschild

  11. #61
    Join Date
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    Sunny Ayrshire


    Funilly enough, I was going to include that in a miscellaneous section next week along with Time Crash, etc...probably Night Of The Doctor would have been better placed in that section but as it was part of the ongoing narrative I just decided to include it this week. The miscellaneous section will be shown separately from regular series stories (I'm pretty sure we even voted on A Fix With Sontarans back in the day) but using colour-coding will temporarily superimpose the results on the main table just for the fun of it.

  12. #62
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    Sunny Ayrshire


    I've just been looking back at the Results thread and see that Time Crash has already been done. There are other CIN skits for inclusion, though

  13. #63
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Isle of Wight


    Asylum of the Daleks 8/10
    Dinosaurs on a Spaceship 3/10
    A Town Called Mercy 6/10
    Power of Three 5/10
    The Angels Take Manhattan 3/10
    The Bells of St John 5/10
    The Rings of Akhaten 3/10
    Cold War 3/10
    Hide 9/10
    Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS 6/10
    The Crimson Horror 8/10
    Nightmare in Silver 6/10
    Name of the Doctor 7/10

    Night of the Doctor 9/10
    Day of the Doctor 10/10
    Time of the Doctor 7/10

  14. #64
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom


    Asylum of the Daleks 7/10
    Dinosaurs on a Spaceship 4/10
    A Town Called Mercy 9/10
    Power of Three 3/10
    The Angels Take Manhattan 6/10
    The Bells of St John 3/10
    The Rings of Akhaten 3/10
    Cold War 8/10
    Hide 7/10
    Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS 6/10
    The Crimson Horror 7/10
    Nightmare in Silver 5/10
    Name of the Doctor 7/10

    Night of the Doctor 9/10
    Day of the Doctor 8/10
    Time of the Doctor 7/10
    I’m being extremely clever up here and there’s no one to stand around looking impressed! What’s the point in having you all?

  15. #65
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    Nov 2006


    Asylum Of The Daleks 7/10
    Dinosaurs On A Spaceship 8/10
    A Town Called Mercy 6/10
    The Power Of Three 6/10
    The Angels Take Manhattan 6/10
    The Snowmen 7/10
    The Bells Of St John 7/10
    The Rings Of Akhaten 5/10
    Cold War 7/10
    Hide 9/10
    Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS 6/10
    The Crimson Horror 7/10
    Nightmare In Silver 8/10
    Name Of The Doctor 9/10

    and the specials...

    Night Of The Doctor 10/10
    Day Of The Doctor 10/10
    Time Of The Doctor 8/10

    A season that is very enjoyable. I need to see it again, repeatedly.

  16. #66
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    Sunny Ayrshire


    Sorry I haven't got back to finish this off, guys...I've just been very busy over the past few weeks. My aim at the moment is to get this completed before Capaldi's debut episode airs, so we'll finish things off just shortly.

  17. #67
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    Sunny Ayrshire


    Today, we'll give the two returned stories another look. Although we've rated these stories before, what I'll do is replace the original scores for anyone who gave them a score before, and then combine it with any scores unchanged from last time round giving the stories an amended score. You'll find a reminder of what we all thought back in 2006 here.

    There are also a few mini-sodes to be looked at as well, I'm just going to mention those which appeared on tv in 2011 rather than specially made prequels for dvd or online only...of course, these won't get an official placing but will be slotted in with Night Of The Doctor, Curse Of Fatal Death etc just to see how much we enjoyed them all the same.

    So,marks out of ten please for...

    The Enemy Of The World
    The Web Of Fear


    The National Television Awards Sketch

  18. #68
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom


    Asylum Of The Daleks 4/10
    Dinosaurs On A Spaceship 5/10
    A Town Called Mercy 6/10
    The Power Of Three 5/10
    The Angels Take Manhattan 5/10
    The Snowmen 7/10
    The Bells Of St John 8/10
    The Rings Of Akhaten 1/10
    Cold War 4/10
    Hide 7/10
    Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS 8/10
    The Crimson Horror 6/10
    Nightmare In Silver 7/10
    Name Of The Doctor 5/10

    and the specials...

    Night Of The Doctor 9/10
    Day Of The Doctor 10/10
    Time Of The Doctor 7/10
    Pity. I have no understanding of the word. It is not registered in my vocabulary bank. EXTERMINATE!

  19. #69
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    London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by Wayne View Post
    Night Of The Doctor 7

    I did watch this.
    You did watch the Doctor Who Anniversary story...

    Though probably not the one we were expecting!
    Pity. I have no understanding of the word. It is not registered in my vocabulary bank. EXTERMINATE!

  20. #70
    Join Date
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    Sunny Ayrshire


    Before we go any further, a couple of you - Paul Clement and Duncan - didn't rate The Snowmen...and as you rated the other stories, I assume this was accidental. If you could do so, please leave a score before this thread finishes.

    For my own part, I totally forgot to add in one important special in this last round, The Five(ish) Doctors. So what we're actually looking for now is:

    Marks out of 10 please for -

    The Enemy Of The World
    The Web Of Fear

    and just for fun...

    The Five(ish) Doctors


    Time (2011 Comic Relief Sketches)

    2011 Television Awards Sketch

  21. #71
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Isle of Wight


    Snowmen 7/10

  22. #72
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Isle of Wight


    Enemy of the World 8/10
    Web of Fear 10/10
    Five(ish)Doctors 6/10
    Space 6/10
    Time 5/10
    2011 TV awards sketch 6/10

  23. #73
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Enemy of the World 6/10
    Web of Fear 8/10

  24. #74
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom


    The Snowmen 6/10

    Enemy of the world 6/10
    The Web of Fear 8/10

    The Five(ish) Doctors 9/10
    I’m being extremely clever up here and there’s no one to stand around looking impressed! What’s the point in having you all?

  25. #75
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bracknell, Berks


    Enemy of the World 7
    Web of Fear 9
    Five(ish)Doctors 9
    Space 5
    Time 5
    2011 TV awards sketch 6

    I've just got my handcuffs and my truncheon and that's enough.

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