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  1. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Reading, England, United Kingdom


    BBC Two's Top Gear is being investigated by watchdog Ofcom over the use of the word "pikey" in an episode broadcast in February last year.

    During the episode, broadcast on 2 February 2014, Clarkson had been ridiculing co-presenter Richard Hammond's choice of a Vauxhall Nova when the placard "Pikey's Peak" was used.

    "Ofcom is investigating a complaint from the Travellers' Movement that it was offensive to include a placard with Pikey's Peak written on it in this BBC show".

    Top Gear was previously cleared by the Editorial Standards Committee of the BBC Trust over the comment earlier this year. It acknowledged the word "pikey" derived from the word "turnpike" and was therefore related to travellers, but said there was no "intended racist reference". The committee said the word had "evolved into common parlance among a number of people to mean 'chavvy' or 'cheap'".

    The Traveller Movement has said "When the BBC Trust ruled that the Top Gear use of the word 'pikey' had nothing to do with gypsies and travellers and meant cheap and dodgy instead, it was clearly the trust that was being a bit cheap and dodgy."

    Top Gear producers are currently looking for a new look presenting team for the show. Last month Clarkson's co-presenters James May and Hammond ruled themselves out of returning for the next series without him.

    Assume you're going to Win
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  2. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Reading, England, United Kingdom


    Top Gear producer to sue Clarkson

    The saga continues

    The producer punched by Jeremy Clarkson is suing the former Top Gear host and the BBC for racial discrimination. Lawyers for Clarkson and the BBC attended a closed-door hearing with Oisin Tymon's legal team at a London employment tribunal on Friday.

    The case centres on "verbal abuse" that accompanied a physical attack during which Clarkson struck Tymon in March.

    The inquiry, headed up by Ken MacQuarrie, found Mr Tymon was subject to an "unprovoked physical and verbal attack".
    Lawyers Slater & Gordon confirmed on Friday that they had been engaged by the producer.
    A statement by the BBC said: "We will be responding to this claim, but will not be commenting further at this time."

    The assault took place at a North Yorkshire hotel, after Clarkson was told there was no hot food available at the end of a day's shooting on location.
    As part of the inquiry, statements were given by two unnamed witnesses to the incident on 4 March.

    Assume you're going to Win
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