Hello Friends!

Ok, so I am getting close to starting my epic marathon of watching Who from the very beginning! In fact I now have every DVD release for Hartnell and Troughton...

It's both exciting and daunting!!!

Exciting, because (and I know many of you will find this bizarre) there is so much of this that I have never seen before!

Daunting because it is a lot to get through and I am aware some of it is quite slow paced!

I was looking for some tips though... I was wondering how you actually watch the DVD's with regards to the Commentaries and special features? I'm just thinking that watching a complete story then watching it all over again to listen to the commentary will mean I will still be on the 1st Doctor this time next year!

I suppose one way to do it is to forget the commentaries and then come back to them once I have watched everything! Oh and when I say everything my plan is to go right through until the TV Movie!

Also, what about the missing episodes? Should I read the Target book, or maybe watch the Recons? Or maybe just forget about them?

What would you do? Has anyone done this before?