I have the honour of being (briefly) the newest member here.

I found this forum by following a link on the Planet Skaro twitter feed - a thought provoking post on 1960s Who guest stars no longer being with us.

I like all sci-fi, but Who has been a constant in my life. I was born in 1956, so have vivid memories of the TARDIS crew kept in a cave lit by burning torches mounted in skulls. I was 7.

I also remember that the second episode of the show was preceded by a repeat of the first one. This is due to the world being shocked and stunned at the death of JFK.

The question that always arises in Whodom is "your favourite Doctor"! In the 60s, it was Troughton. I never really liked the character as played by Hartnell - always liked Ian though.

Looking back, I don't think we were automatically supposed to like Hartnell's Doctor. The DW team gave us an alien of great age and wisdom, but without many of the character traits that made a human likeable.

We were made to get to know and admire him on his own terms. Troughton was a much mellower personality as The Doctor, making a connection with me as the viewer quite quickly.

The era with Jamie was a total joy for me, Pat Troughton and Frazer Hines relishing working together. It was indeed "a big one!"