View Poll Results: How would you rate World Enough And Time?

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  • World Enough And Time

    2 50.00%
  • John Smith and the Common Men

    2 50.00%
  • Freddie and the Dreamers

    0 0%
  • Gerry and the Pacemakers

    0 0%
  • Siouxsie and the Banshees

    0 0%
  • Echo and the Bunnymen

    0 0%
  • Captain and Tennille

    0 0%
  • Doctor and the Medics

    0 0%
  • Love and Monsters

    0 0%
  • Time and the Rani

    0 0%
Results 1 to 19 of 19
  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC

    Default Rate and Discuss: World Enough And Time

    The beginning of the end has well and truly begun for the Moffat/Capaldi era, with episode 11 of the series. No doubt those plucky chaps from Mondas would be thoroughly unmoved by tonight's episode, but what did the more emotional people of Planet Skaro think...?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC


    I'd better add that, even though I love it dearly, I've given in to the inevitable temptation of making 'Time and the Rani' the bottom option of the poll. Apologies in advance, I've just given in to a cheap gag in an ill-advised way, much like Mark Gatiss with that "any old **** with an Equity card" joke on Doctor Who night.

    Anyway, back to tonight's episode!!

  3. #3


    A great episode with the idiot announcer at the beginning of the episode utterly ruining the reveal of the Cybermen. I also didn't know about John Simms so that was a reveal and nice to see a mention of Mondas - I can't remember that coming up since Tom Baker's time; perhaps back to Jon Pertwee.
    Last edited by egdcltd; 24th Jun 2017 at 8:48 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Absolutely loved that, a funny, tense and exciting episode with a lot of great ideas and memorable imagery. Despite my ongoing crusade to avoid spoilers I knew the cybermen and Simms were coming back for the episode which is an enormous shame really, as then the ending would have been a beautiful shock. Still, it's 2017 and such things always seem to leak alas and is just something I've got to get used to. Fascinated to see where they're going with the regeneration shown at the beginning (where I noticed Capaldi had far longer and much more bouffant hair than he does in the rest of the episode) and I guess it's possible we'll know who the new Doctor this time next week, but then again I can never trust Moffat not to pull a fast one on us. Anyway, enough rambling, 9/10, a really great episode with my favourite ever cliffhanger yet.
    "RIP Henchman No.24."

  5. #5


    One word answer would be "Yes!".
    Conversation between two people passing in an office would be "Well that was great!".

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bracknell, Berks


    I liked the slow build up. It added so much atmosphere, making it creepy and full of tension.

    I've just got my handcuffs and my truncheon and that's enough.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Alex View Post
    Despite my ongoing crusade to avoid spoilers
    What annoys me the most is I had actually managed this - something that is really difficult these days - only to have the episode spoiled because some idiot at the BBC decided that having the announcer state a massive spoiler just before the episode started would be a great idea.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    I didn't mind the episode. It was suitably creepy, I'd say terrifying for kids, although I thought it was a little slow in places. Bill's exploring the hospital seemed to go on forever and I wished it had got on with it. The Master's disguise totally had me, really well done there. Missy was great as usual, Nardole was okay but nothing great, as usual. The regeneration teases are, as expected, diluted by the fact they did it a few weeks ago and showed that you can easily get out of it. It was odd that both the Cybermen and John Simm were presented as surprises when they had both been announced officially...


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    I'd like to reserve judgement on this episode, since there's the potential for a bloody unforgivable error being explained, which could make or break the episode for me.

  10. #10
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    Oct 2006



  11. #11
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    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by egdcltd View Post
    What annoys me the most is I had actually managed this - something that is really difficult these days - only to have the episode spoiled because some idiot at the BBC decided that having the announcer state a massive spoiler just before the episode started would be a great idea.
    That is all kinds of ridiculous. I missed that as I watched it online but I'd have been furious if I'd made it this far in to the series without knowing what was due to come.

    Quote Originally Posted by Si Hunt View Post
    It was odd that both the Cybermen and John Simm were presented as surprises when they had both been announced officially...

    I'm guessing Moffat might have hoped it wouldn't leak whilst making it, though I could be wrong. I guess it will work really effectively in years to come when people new to the series watch it in sequence and they're unaware of what's coming up.
    "RIP Henchman No.24."

  12. #12


    And extra warning, you just KNOW newspapers are going to spoil the crap out of this Saturday's episode.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Dino View Post
    And extra warning, you just KNOW newspapers are going to spoil the crap out of this Saturday's episode.
    Papers I can easily avoid; I barely notice them. I don't really use social media much, and tend to avoid it due to the thoughtless "OMG SPOILER!" posts you get. The internet in general can be a problem. I stopped watching the Next Time trailers years ago because they were giving away too much (starting with a very early one that also revealed Cybermen too early). Having the BBC ruin an episode's surprise after all this effort annoyed me so much I submitted a complaint. I asked for a reply too; it will be interesting to see what I get back.

  14. #14
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    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Si Hunt View Post
    Yes - the latest edition of Kill Bill: I'm finding it rather hard to see how Bill could survive having a bloody great hole in her chest you can see right through at all, never mind long enough to have a cyber-unit put in that could save her. Or that she was able to stand for several seconds after being shot, after it appears that part of her spine has been taken away with her offal. If the discussion about Bill being worried about Missy's character caused the Doctor to send in a duplicate, I have no worries at all.

    Oh, and a regular character being turned into a Cyberman has been done before...

  15. #15


    So, a fairly literal plot hole then.

    I'm also unsure about the Mondas timeline, and perhaps even location and how the Cybermen were created. I don't know enough about it to be sure one way or another though,

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Stuart Wallis View Post
    Yes - the latest edition of Kill Bill: I'm finding it rather hard to see how Bill could survive having a bloody great hole in her chest you can see right through at all, never mind long enough to have a cyber-unit put in that could save her. Or that she was able to stand for several seconds after being shot, after it appears that part of her spine has been taken away with her offal. If the discussion about Bill being worried about Missy's character caused the Doctor to send in a duplicate, I have no worries at all.

    Oh, and a regular character being turned into a Cyberman has been done before...
    That's been annoying me too, they've killed Bill off so many times now that I no longer believe that she'll die when it happens, and it feels cheap given how many times the device has been used. I'd hoped Moffat had learnt his lesson after being mocked about killing Rory off countless times but it seems not unfortunately.
    "RIP Henchman No.24."

  17. #17


    I'm assuming that John Simms sporting a Roger Delgardo/Anthony Ainley-style beard is deliberate.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    It would've looked silly on Michelle Gomez...

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Stuart Wallis View Post
    It would've looked silly on Michelle Gomez...

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