Let's pair the Doctor's regeneration stories as one long story rather a pre- and post- regeneration story. Sometimes you have two strong stories together, sometimes a good one paired with a mediocre or poor one. Do two mediocre stories possibly blend together faultlessly making one long, strong story which may be better than one stronger story supporting a weaker one which may seem patchy overall? You decide!

For the purposes of this thread, Twice Upon A Time is currently incomplete until the 13th Doctor makes her appearance on tv and so isn't included here. And I've taken a bit of a liberty with the War Doctor because there really isn't any immediate post regeneration story for him so I've just opted for the only screen appearances we have.

It's been a while since we did this so just a reminder that the usual rules apply...one vote per person per day, vote a story up or down for two weeks then negative voting only will begin on Sunday 20th May.

The Tenth Planet/Power Of The Daleks 10
The War Games/Spearhead From Space 10
Planet Of The Spiders/Robot 10
Logopolis/Castrovalva 10
The Caves Of Androzani/The Twin Dilemma 10
The Ultimate Foe/Time And The Rani 10
The TV Movie 10
Night Of The Doctor/Day Of The Doctor 10
Day Of The Doctor/Rose 10
Bad Wolf-POTW/The Christmas Invasion 10
The End Of Time/The Eleventh Hour 10
Time Of The Doctor/Deep Breath 10