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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom

    Default The What did you get for Christmas thread 2018

    What goodies did everyone receive this year? Who related or not.

    Personally, I didn't get any Who related items for the first Christmas in a long time, I think. Maybe because the latest series box set isn't out yet.

    Alison got me a nice watch and some 3D DVD's in the Star Wars and Marvel range. I also got a foot spa for my aching feet once I have had my run on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, loads of smellies from various people and a lovely hot chocolate and Bailey's tray that had chocolate spoons, mugs, marshmallows and of course, Baileys.
    I’m being extremely clever up here and there’s no one to stand around looking impressed! What’s the point in having you all?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downstairs by the PC


    I got, which was not to be honest a complete surprise (or a surprise at all) the season 19 blu-ray set, which is very exciting!! Also the forthcoming Scratchman novel on preorder (comes out late January I think). And then quite a lot of smellies, socks, pants, and three jumpers!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Derbyshire. It's amazing what you can get your hands on when you've got the right sort of photos of the right sort of people in the right part of the New Year's Honours List offices...

    I've had a massive migraine over Christmas, so I've not even seen anyone who might have any presents. Santa really does check his lists twice - luckily I only have to check mine once...

  4. #4


    An ATARI hoodie of all things! Look forward to wearing it next week or earlier in January when I go outside. (Having a different outfit every day is a luxury I'll get to one day)
    Nick Mason's Unattended Luggage box set of his solo stuff on CD. (Surprisingly more interesting than anything his parent band did in the 80's!)
    This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours 20th Anniversary edition. (Ah where does the time go?)

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