Okay. Don't know what happened there. Wrote shedloads. All gone. Don't have a scoobies where but there y'go.
Which brings me to my first point: Newbie. Very Newbie. Not sure what to do when I finish writing kind of newbie.
Second. Or 'b'? Either way; next. One of the Old Guard. A Veteran of the First Great Time War and a Thousand Psychic Wars besides. Just so's you know.
That'll do for the non, one could talk the hind legs off an arcturan mega-donkey and pursuade it to come for a walk afterward otherwise.
I look forward to engaging further and shall endeavour to not be too contentious but I shall leave you with this thought: A ship is falling into a black hole. Members of the crew come from the rear of the ship where time has progressed at a different rate to the front of the ship. Sound familiar? Good. Now, surely, the response from their compadres upon their return should be "where the hell have you been? We sent you out sixty years ago, gruddammit!"
Live a long time and get rich.
Drat, wrong show....