Well Doctor Who Magazine has published its series poll. Didn't know when the voting was, but here it is below. There's a few changes I would make. And it would look different if story arcs were broken up into individual titles.
Here's the polling and put in spoilers in case people waiting for issue with the results.

1. Fugitive of the Judoon
2. Spyfall
3. Ascension of the Cybermen/The Timeless Children
4. The Haunting of Villa Diodati
5. Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror
6. Can You Hear Me?
7. Praxeus
8. Orphan 55

I would rank (going to ten)

1. Spyfall part one
2. Ascension of the Cybermen
3. Can You Hear Me?
4. The Haunting of Villa Diodati
5.Fugitive of the Judoon
6. Spyfall part two
7. Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror
8. Praxeus
9. The Timeless Children
10. Orphan 55

How do you feel about the polling? What did you wish your polling would have had?