View Poll Results: Rate And Discuss: War Of The Sontarans

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  • 10 - What would the Doctor do?

    0 0%
  • 9 - You're talking to her

    2 50.00%
  • 8 - They've got lasers

    0 0%
  • 7 - Also, I wanted to ride a horse

    1 25.00%
  • 6 - Earth shall be an outpost of the Sontar Empire

    0 0%
  • 5 - Something's corrupted the TARDIS

    1 25.00%
  • 4 - Cannonball in the back

    0 0%
  • 3 - Time to recalibrate

    0 0%
  • 2 - Can you repair?

    0 0%
  • 1 - Where's the door?

    0 0%
Results 1 to 4 of 4
  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Reading, England, United Kingdom

    Default Rate And Discuss: War Of the Sontarans

    During the Crimean War, the Doctor discovers the British army fighting a brutal alien army of Sontarans, as Yaz and Dan are thrown deeper into a battle for survival

    What is the Temple of Atropos and who are the Mouri?
    Assume you're going to Win
    Always have an Edge

  2. #2


    I liked last week's and gave it 8. Liked this more so gave it 9. Who'd have thought serialised Doctor Who works?

  3. #3


    Not bad, though I still don't like Whittaker.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom


    Great episode again. No drop in quality from the previous week, in my opinion. I can't remember the last time I got so engrossed in the show.

    I have a couple of niggles though and one of them is the sound quality yet again. I really struggled to hear large chunks of the dialogue as the voices got drowned out be explosions, music etc. Whoever the sound mixer is needs a good kick up the backside.
    Secondly, when Dan was returned home and the Sontarans turned up, he ran in a straight line in front of them, yet noe one Sontaran shot straight and hit him. I do wonder just how they conquer anuthing being such terribkle shots.
    I’m being extremely clever up here and there’s no one to stand around looking impressed! What’s the point in having you all?

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